What is the best anime movie of all time?

Because of my love for anime series i decided to watch anime movies too. In general they have a faster paced storyline and great animation to go with it.

A good anime movie has a great storyline which sucks you right into its world. It makes you forget the world around you, and makes you care about the characters. The movies that i selected have all these great characteristics and more! I included some information and a link to IMDB.com for every movie!

11. Ninja Scroll

I guess i'm a sucker for ninja movies. Ninja scroll is the most entertaining ninja movie out there. It has everything a good ninja movie needs. Mysterious characters, geisha's, awesome powers, cool fights and a powerful evil enemy. I especially liked the tattooed snake woman. Although the animation is a bit outdated, the movie is well worth a watch.

IMDB rating: 7.8 | 94 min | Genre: Action, Adventure | 1993

10. Neon Genesis Evangelion Movies

Neon Genesis Evangelion is a much acclaimed anime series. Some people even go as far as to call it the best anime ever made. Because it is that good, the animators decided to make a movie reboot! The same story as the anime series but in a faster pace combined with some of the best animation i have ever seen. The fighting scenes in Neon Genesis Evangelion are just mindblowing. If you like mecha, this is a must-watch. There will be 3 movies which will cover the entire anime series.

IMDB rating: 7.7 | 98 min | Genre: Sci-Fi, Action | 2007

9. Berserk: The Golden Age Movies

Berserk is the jewel of dark fantasy story-telling. The original anime series were produced a long time ago, and the 'Berserk: Golden Age' movies are a reboot of this. Berserk is the best in its genre, it is gory, violent, scary and has its own dark medieval atmosphere. The main character is a swordsman with a ridiculously big two-handed sword, which i think is extremely cool. When he joins the band of the hawk and befriends their leader Griffith, things get ugly. Griffith sacrifices his friend to demons in order to restore his lost power.

IMDB rating: 7.5 | 76 min | Genre: Dark Fantasy, Action, Adventure | 2012

8. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

Some movies make you feel good and bad at the same time. The girl who leapt through time is one of them. It's about an everyday girl who suddenly gets the power to travel back in time. This creates some hilarious situations. But as the movie progresses the story gets more serious. The girl realises her time travelling is hurting other people. The ending even proved to be a tear-jerker.

IMDB rating: 7.8 | 98 min | Genre: Comedy, Drama | 2006

7. Cowboy Bebop: The Movie

Cowboy Bebop is the definition of cool. Bebop always kicks his enemy's ass with style. Cowboy Bebop is a great movie for anyone who likes a good crime movie mixed with some stylish action scenes. Spike is an intergalactic bounty hunter who hunts criminals together with his crazy crew. In this movie he is onto a massive organized crime.

IMDB rating: 7.7 | 116 min | Genre: Action, Crime | 2001

6. Trigun: Badlands Rumble

After having seen the awesome anime series of trigun, i was thrilled to hear there was a movie coming out. The anime series of trigun is on my top 10 list so i was really looking forward to it. And the movie delivered! All the elements that make trigun as good as it is are there. The funny and quirky characters combined with a more serious undertone and storyline. In Trigun Badlands Rumble you follow Vash on one of his adventures in a post-apocalyptic world.

IMDB rating: 7.1 | 138 min | Genre: Action, Sci-Fi | 2010

5. Sword of the Stranger

Simply the best samurai anime movie i have ever seen. You follow the story of a wandering samurai who gets entangled in the affairs of a local village. It turns out there is this crazy swordfighting cult who tries to get the elixer of immortality. Obviously they need to be stopped.There are a lot of swordfighting scenes in Sword of the stranger which, combined with top-notch animation, are just awesome.

IMDB rating: 7.6 | 103 min | Genre: Action, Adventure | 2007

4. Akira

Although Akira has been made in 1988, i am really impressed by the quality of the animation. It is jaw-dropping. You follow the story of a biker gang-member who gets telekinetic powers. This guy goes completely crazy and goes on a rampage, killing friends and destroying lots of stuff in the process. It made me wonder what i would do with those awesome telekinetic abilities. The story is awesome and pulls you right in.

IMDB rating: 8.0 | 124 min | Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi, Supernatural | 1988

3. Paprika

The movie Paprika is a very unique movie. Like all the movies from Satoshi Kon it is a bit abstract. Paprika stays away from traditional storytelling and tells its own unique story in its own unique way. In Paprika a device has been developed which let you peek into the dreams of other people. As you might know, dreams are kind of hard to explain but they always leave an impression on you, just like paprika. The soundtrack of paprika (check the youtube video) is also great, and is, just like the movie, truly unique.

IMDB rating: 7.6 | 90 min | Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi, Fantasy | 2006

2. My Neighbor Totoro

My Neighbour Totoro is not so much about its storyline or animation. Its all about the atmosphere! In My Neighbour Totoro you actually feel like a little kid again. Going on wild adventures in your backyard, while your imagination is running loose. My Neighbour Totoro has more sentimental value than any other anime i have seen. I love the atmosphere and the cheesy, feel-good storyline. It has earned a special place in my heart.

IMDB rating: 8.2 | 86 min | Genre: Fantasy, Family | 1988

1. Spirited Away

When i began watching Spirited Away, i didn't expect much of it. There were a lot of people who recommended this to me but i just didn't feel like watching it. I just recently watched it and i was shocked! This movie is so incredibly beautiful, calling it a masterpiece would be an understatement! It pulls you in and doesn't let go until the movie is over. The whole movie is just incredibly imaginative, The characters are so bizarre that i find them hard to describe. The movie is heart warming and will leave you wanting more. Spirited Away is filled with pure heart-warming fantasy that i have never seen anywhere before, with the perfect soundtrack to match it. Spirited Away is by far my most treasured anime movie. Go watch it right now if you haven't done so already!

IMDB rating: 8.6 | 125 min | Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Family | 2001

Source: Reelrundown

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