Internet policy

Dear Parents: lets work together (an example e-communication letter)

I look forward to working with your child this semester; it will be a productive time for learning about this amazing planet. Please review this classroom website to understand my philosophy and expectations. There are times I will need to notify you specifically about classroom expectations and I will do this through: a note sent with the student; an email, if I have your email address; through this website. You can always email me your questions through the schools' email portal. I look forward to a productive semester; see what my students are doing in virtual spaces. (The video below shows some work done in my after-school computer club; maybe your child will like to join the learning adventure.)

Internet usage:

Within my courses, students will be expected to conduct internet research and to post scientific products to internet-based locations (included the schools' website). Maturity and responsibility will be expected and required.

Parents please review, save, and email me (at my school email) any questions that you have about internet usage; you can also make a posting below that can be seen by me and by other parents in my class. Students will have opportunities during the school day and school week (in class, study halls, library time, and after school) to have access to internet and required technologies. Access from the home will extend and amplify the students experience. If there are concerns about computer access outside of school, please email me or talk to me after school.

Time on the computer? — Jul 2, 2014 2:27:38 PM