Useful Links and References
Web pages
1) A useful bank of worksheets for classroom use, along with some great interactive games and quizzes for learners who have access to computers:
BBC (2013). Skillswise. [online]. Last accessed 8 January 2014 at:
2) For details of the Adult Numeracy Core Curriculum, with details of the maths requirements at each level from Entry 1 to Level 2 Functional Skills:
EXCELLENCE GATEWAY (2011). SFL Curriculum. [online]. Last accessed 1 January 2012 at:
3) The clue is in the title! This is an excellent summary of many issues that ESOL/EAL learners can face:
'Top Tips for Teaching Numeracy to ESOL Learners', produced by LALS and available on the NCETM website: Research Project Leicestershire ALS Top Tips. pdf
Resource books
1) Full of photos of every day objects; can save time with explanations of specific words that occur in maths questions, especially if a translation facility has not quite got it! Sections on numbers, shapes and time:
Longman Photo Dictionary, 3rd edition, 2010, Pearson Education.
Academic Publications
1) Interesting study of multilingual classrooms in South Africa:
ADLER, Jill (2001). Teaching Mathematics in Multilingual Classrooms. vol.26. 1st ed., Dordrecht, Neths, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Mathematics Education Library, 26.
2) This book is relevant to teachers of ESOL/EAL maths students:
BARWELL, Richard (2009). Mathematical Word Problems and Bilingual Learners in England. In: BARWELL, Richard (ed.). Multilingualism in Mathematics Classrooms: Global Perspectives. 1st ed., Bristol, UK, Multilingual Matters, 63-77.
3) For a review of the increasing relevance and importance of language in the maths classroom:
BROWN, Tony (2001). Mathematics Education and Language. Interpreting Hermeneutics and Post-Structuralism. vol.20. 2nd ed., Dordrecht, Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Mathematics Education Library, 20.
4) A publication from Australia where original and migrant populations are learning maths in English:
FITZSIMONS, Gail E. (2002). What Counts as Mathematics? Technologies of Power in Adult and Vocational Education. vol.28. 1st ed., Dordrecht, Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Mathematics Education Library,
5) Recently published book on classroom practice from the U.S.A., where many non English speakers are taught Maths in English.
KERSAINT, Gladis, THOMPSON, Denisse R. and PETKOVA, Mariana (2013). Teaching Mathematics to English Language Learners. 2nd ed., Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge.
6) Only a small book but great for those starting maths teaching with adults, whether ESOL or other learners:
NEWMARCH, Barbara (2005). Developing Numeracy, Supporting Achievement. Leicester, NIACE. Lifelines in Adult Learning, 19.
7) This book has many non English speakers comparing their own languages with English to see where the first language might interfere with English acquisition. I hope to produce a summary of many of its contents in due course!:
SWAN, Michael and SMITH, Bernard (eds.) (2001). Learner English- A teachers guide to interference and other problems. 2nd ed., Cambridge, C.U.P.
8) Great research from the Leicester Adult Learning Services (LALS) team. Led to 'Top Tips...':
WEAVER, Janine (2010). ESOL learners don't understand the questions- what can we do? [online]. Last accessed 1 April 2013 at:
9) Interesting reading for ESOL/EAL teachers:
WILKINS, Meryl (2009). Language and Context in ESOL Teaching. In: PATON, Anne and WILKINS, Meryl (eds.). Teaching Adult ESOL. NRDC, OUP.