Hyperlink to the website of Publications of Prof. Koichi Futagami (二神先生の業績リストへのリンク)



1. Welfare-maximizing Patent Length in a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model, Oxford Economic Papers, 2024, forthcoming. 

2. Tariffs and Foreign Direct Investment in a Dynamic North–South Model, with Hitoshi Tanaka,  Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2023, accepted.  Earlier version:  Tariffs and Foreign Direct Investment in a North–South Product Cycle Model, 2020.

3. Optimal mix of R&D subsidy and patent protection in a heterogeneous-industry R&D-based growth model, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2023, vol.154, September 104723.

4.Welfare Effects of Patent Protection in a Semi-Endogenous Growth ModelMacroeconomic Dynamics, vol.24, No.3, pp. 708-728, April  2020, The online appendices are available below. 

5.Innovation by Heterogeneous Leaders, with Kazuyoshi Ohki, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 121, Issue4 pp. 1673-1704, 2019.

6.Welfare Analysis of Uniform Entry Tax in a General Equilibrium Model with Heterogeneous Industries, Economics Letters, Volume 178, May 2019, Pages 54-57.

7. Product Cycles and Growth Cycles, with Hitoshi Tanaka, Journal of International Economics, vol.105, March 2017, pp. 22-40.

8. Effects of Patent Protection on Optimal Corporate Income and Consumption Taxes in an R&D-based Growth Model, Southern Economic Journal, vol. 83, Issue 2, pp.590-608, 2016. 

9. Intellectual property rights and foreign direct investment: A welfare analysis, with  Hitoshi TanakaEuropean Economic Review,  vol. 67, pp. 107-124,2014.   Abstract in Japanese

10. Welfare effects of patent protection and productive public services: why do developing countries prefer weaker patent protection?Economics Letters, vol. 118, issue 3, pp. 478–481, 2013.

11. Patent protection, capital accumulation, and economic growth,with Koichi Futagami,Economic Theory,vol. 52 (2), pp. 631-668,2013.

12. A Welfare Analysis of Global Patent Protection in a Model with Endogenous Innovation and Foreign Direct Investment,with Hitoshi Tanaka and Koichi Futagami,European Economic Review,vol. 55, pp. 1137-1151,2011.

13. Product Cycles, Endogenous Skill Acquisition, and Wage Inequality,with  Hitoshi Tanaka, Canadian Journal of Economics,42, 1, 300-331,2009.

14. Debt Policy Rule, Productive Government Spending, And Multiple Growth Paths,with Koichi Futagami and Ryoji Ohdoi,Macroeconomic Dynamics,vol 12, no. 4, pp. 463-479,2008.

15. Dynamic Analysis of Innovation and International Transfer of Technology through Licensing, with  Hitoshi Tanaka,  and Kocihi Futagami, Journal of International Economics,73, 189-212,2007.

16. Dynamic Analysis of Patent Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model,with Koichi Futagami,Journal of Economic Theory,vol. 132, issue 1, pp. 306-334,2007.

17. Economic Growth with Imperfect Protection of Intellectual Property Rights,with Ryo Horii, Journal of Economics,vol. 90(1), pp. 45-85,2007.

18. Patent Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model,with Koichi Futagami,Journal of Economics,vol. 78, no.3, pp. 239-258,2003.

19. Technology Choice and Patterns of Growth in an Overlapping Generations Model,Journal of Macroeconomics,vol. 24(2), pages 211-231,2002.


Macroeconomics, Economic growth, R&D, Intellectual property rights


Economic Modelling,  Associate editor (2020. 4-)


B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (5), Canadian Journal of Economics, Contemporary Economic Policy, Economica, Economic Inquiry(2), Economic Issues (2), Economic Modelling(2), Economics E-Journal, Energy Economics, European Economic Review (3), International Economic Journal, International Economic Review (7), International Journal of Economic Theory (2), International Review of Economics and Finance(2), International Tax and Public Finance, Japanese Economic review (7), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (3), Journal of Economic Growth (9), Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Economics (9), Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Journal of Macroeconomics (3), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (6), Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Population Economics (2), Journal of Regional Science (2), Journal of Urban Economics (2), Macroeconomic Dynamics (>10), Oxford Economic Papers, Review of Development Economics(2), Scandinavian Journal of Economics (3), Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Southern Economic Journal (3) etc.