



3. Economic Policy for Aging Societies, (shared writing) April 2002, Springer-Verlag.
















1.   “A Game Theoretical Approach to Reconstruction of Public Finance.” (single) Journal of Public Economics, October 1989, vol. 40, no.1, pp. 135-150.

2.   「準成長循環-Goodwin・Harrod-」(単) 季刊理論経済学,1991年,第42巻,2号,164-173頁.

3.   “An Incentive to Cooperate in Capitalism.” (single) European Journal of Political Economy, December 1992, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 635-647.

4.   “Threshold Externalities and Cyclical Growth in a Stylized Model of Capital Accumulation.” (joint) Economics Letters, 1993, vol. 41, no. 4.

5.   “Dynamic Analysis of an Endogenous Growth Model with Public Capital.” (joint) Scandinavian Journal of Economics, December 1993, vol. 95, no. 4, pp. 607-625.

6.   “Public Capital and Patterns of Growth in the Presence of Threshold Externalities.” (joint) Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie) June 1995, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 123-146.

7.   “Strategic Investment: The Labor-Managed Firm and the Profit-Maximizing Firm.” (joint) Journal of Comparative Economics, August 1996, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 73-91.

8.   “A Comment on ‘Labor-Managed and Capitalistic Firms in International Duopoly: The Effects of Export Subsidy,” (joint) Keio Economic Studies, 1997, vol. 34, no. 1.

9.   “International Competition Between a Profit-Maximizing and a Labor-Managed Firm.” (joint) Journal of International and Comparative Economics, 1997, vol. 5.

10.    “Keeping One Step Ahead of the Joneses: Status, the Distribution of Wealth, and Long Run Growth” (joint). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, July 1998, vol.36, no.1, pp.109-126. Reprinted with an addendum in Shinsuke Ikeda, Hideyuki Kiyoshi Kato, Fumio Ohtake, and Yoshiro Tsutsui (ed.) Behavioral Interactions, Markets, and Economic Dynamics, Topics in Behavioral Economics, 2016, Springer-Verlag, pp. 141-162.

11.    “A National Security Argument for Trade Protection,” (joint), Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie), 1998, vol. 68, no.1, pp. 39-52.

12.    “On the Stackelberg Equilibrium: Existence, Uniqueness, and Stability,” (joint) Indian Economic Journal, 1998, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 87-100.

13.    “Welfare Effects of Bubbles in an Endogenous Growth Model,” (joint) Research in Economics, 1999, vol.53, no.4, pp.381-403.

14.    ”Growth Effects of Bubbles in an Endogenous Growth Model,” (joint) The Japanese Economic Review, June 2000, vol. 51, no.2, pp.221-235.

15.    “Demographic Transition Pattern in a Small Country,” (joint) Economics Letters, 2000, vol. 67, pp.231-237.

16.    “Population Aging and Economic Growth,” (joint) Journal of Macroeconomics, 2001, vol.23, issue1, pp. 31-44.

17.    “An Interpretation of the North Korean Regime,” (joint) Journal of the Korean Economy, 2001, vol. 2, no.1, pp. 183-200.

18.    “Patent Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model,” (joint) Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie) March 2003, vol. 78, no.3, pp. 239-258.

19.    “The Quality Ladder and Product Variety: Larger Economies may not Grow Faster,” (joint) The Japanese Economic Review, September 2003, vol. 54, no.3, pp. 336-351.

20.    “Budget Deficits and Economic Growth,” (joint) Public Finance, 1998 (published 2003), vol. 53, no.3-4, pp.331-354.

21.    “Commodity Taxation and Economic Growth,” (joint) The Japanese Economic Review, March 2004, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 46-55.

22.    “Signal-Extracting Education in an Overlapping Generations Model,” (joint) Economic Theory, July 2004, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 129-146.

23.    “Investment efficiency and intergenerational income distribution: a paradoxical result,” (joint) Economics Bulletin, November 2004, vol. 15, no.2, pp.1-6.

24.    “Commodity Taxation and the Effects of Entry: A Case of Variety Preferences,” (joint) Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie), December 2004, vol. 83, no.3, pp267-279.

25.    “Demographic Structure, International Lending and Borrowing in a Growing Interdependent Economies,” (joint) Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, March 2005, vol. 19, no. 1, pp.135-162.

26.    “Infectious Disease and Preventive Behavior in an Overlapping Generations Model,” (joint) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, October 2005, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 1673-1700.

27.    “Environmental Transfers against Global Warming: A Credit-based Program,” (joint), International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 2006, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 42-72.

28.    “Dynamic Analysis of Patent Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model,” (joint) Journal of Economic Theory. January 2007, vol. 132, issue 1, pp. 306-334.

29.    “Long-Term Care Problem, Precautionary Saving, and Economic Growth,” (joint) Journal of Macroeconomics, March 2007, vol. 29, issue 1, pp. 60-74.

30.    “Dynamic Analysis of Innovation and International Transfer of Technology through Licensing,” (joint) Journal of International Economics, September 2007, issue 1, vol. 73, 189-212.

31.    "Availability of Higher Education and Long-Term Economic Growth," (joint) The Japanese Economic Review, June 2008, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 156-177.

32.    "Private and Public Education: Human Capital Accumulation under Parental Teaching," (joint) The Japanese Economic Review, September 2008, vol 59, no. 3, 275-291.

33.    “Debt Policy Rule, Productive Government Spending, and Multiple Growth Paths,” (joint) Macroeconomic Dynamics, September 2008, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 445-462.

34.    “International Asset Trade, Capital Income Taxation, and Specialization Patterns,” (joint) Journal of Public Economic Theory, October 2008, vol. 10, issue 5, pp. 743-763.

35.    "Technological Progress and Population Growth: Do We Have too few Children?" (joint) The Japanese Economic Review, March 2010, vol. 61, no.1, pp.64-84.

36.    “A Welfare Analysis of Global Patent Protection in a Model with Endogenous Innovation and Foreign Direct Investment,” (joint) European Economic Review, December 2011, vol. 55, issue 8, pp.1137-1151.

37.    "Patent Protection, Capital Accumulation, and Economic Growth," (joint) Economic Theory, March 2013, vol. 52, issue 2, pp.631-668.

38.    "Non-cooperative versus Cooperative Family," (joint) Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie), January 2015, vol. 114, issue 1, pp.43-62.

39.    "Dynamic Analysis of a Renewable Resource in a Small Open Economy: The Role of Environmental Policies for the Environment," (joint) Environmental and Resource Economics, July 2016, vol. 64, issue 3, pp.373-399.

40.    "Debt Policy Rules in an Open Economy," (joint) Journal of Public Economic Theory, February 2017, vol. 19, issue 1, pp.158-177.

41.    "Dynamic Analysis of Reductions in Public Debt in an Endogenous Growth Model with Public Capital," (joint) Macroeconomic Dynamics, September 2017, vol. 21, issue 6, pp. 1454-1483.

42.    "Lethal Effects of Pollution and Economic Growth: Efficiency of Abatement Technology," (joint) June 2018, The Japanese Economic Review, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 189-206.

43.    "Population Dynamics, Longer Life Expectancy, and Child-Rearing Policies in an R&D based Growth Model with Overlapping Generations," (共) 経済分析,第193号, March 2017.

44.    "A Non-Unitary Discount Rate Model," (joint) January 2019, Economica, vol.86, issue 341, pp. 139-165.

45.    "Rising Longevity, Fertility Dynamics, and R&D-based Growth," (joint) Journal of Population Economics, April 2019, vol. 32, issue 2, pp.591-620.

46.    "Dynamic Analysis of Budget Policy Rules in Japan," (joint) Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, December 2018, vol. 50, pp.72-88.

47.    "Mixed Duopoly: Differential Game Approach," (joint) Journal of Public Economic Theory, August 2019, vol. 21, no. 4, pp.771-793.

48.    "Capital Accumulation Game with Quasi-Geometric Discounting and Consumption Externalities," (joint) Economic Theory, January 2021, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 251-281.

49.    “Welfare Implications of Non-unitary Time Discounting,” (joint) Theory and Decision, February 2021, vol. 90, no. 1, pp. 85-115.

50.    “Time-Inconsistent Discounting and the Friedman Rule: Roles of Non-Unitary Discounting,” (joint) Oxford Economic Papers, July 2021, vol. 73, no. 3, pp. 1200-1217. 

51. “Risk Aversion and Longevity in an Overlapping Generations Model,” (joint) Journal of Macroeconomics, June 2022, vol. 72, 103415. 

52. “Comparative Analyses of Fiscal Sustainability of the Budgetary Policy Rules”, (joint) Journal of Public Economic Theory, October 2023,  vol. 25, no. 5, 944-984. 

53. “Naive Agents with Non-unitary Discounting Rate in a Monetary Economy”, (joint) Journal of Macroeconomics, December 2023, vol. 78, 103550.








6. “History Dependent Strategy in Capitalism in a Finite Horizon: When Capitalists Act as Leaders” (単)松山大学論集,1989年8月,第1巻,3号,35-43頁.

7.    “Optimal Accumulation of Private and Public Capital in an Endogenous Growth Model.”(共) 立命館経済学,1993年12月,第42巻,5号,661-671頁.


9.”On the Fate of a Education Obsessed Society,” (共)数理解析研究所講究2001年6月,1215巻,112-126頁.



1. “Bubbles and Welfare in an Endogenous Growth Model.” (共) 1993年度理論計量経済学会(於 法政大学)1993年10月.

2. “Status and Economic Growth.” (joint) The 1994 Southeastern International Economics Conference at University of Virginia, October 1994.

3. “Patent Length and Economic Growth.” (共) 1995年度理論計量経済学会(於 学習院大学)1995年10月.

4. “Quality Ladder and Product Variety: The Larger Economies May not Grow Faster.” (共) 1996年度理論計量経済学会(於 大阪大学)1996年10月.

5. “Demographic Structure, International Lending and Borrowing in a Growing Interdependent Economy,” (共) 1998年度日本経済学会秋季大会(於 立命館大学)1998年10月.

6. “Parental Teaching and Human Capital Accumulation,” (共) 1998年度日本経済学会秋季大会(於 立命館大学)1998年10月

7.   “Commodity Taxation and Economic Growth,” (共) 1999年度日本経済学会秋季大会 (於 東京大学)1999年10月.

8.   “Technological Innovation, Productivity, and Economic Growth in Aging Societies,” (joint) 2001 Kiel Week Conference, Economic Policy For Aging Societies, June 2001.

9.   “Demographic Structure, International Lending and Borrowing in a Growing Interdependent Economy,” (joint) 2002 3rd Workshop on Demographic Macroeconomic Modeling, in Max Planck Institute at Rostock, Germany, June 2002.

10.    “Welfare effects of Free Entry in a Neoclassical Growth Model,” (joint) 2004年度日本経済学会春季大会 (於 明治学院大学)2004年10月.

11.    “Dynamic Analysis of Innovation and Licensing: the Effects of Intellectual Property Rights,” (joint) ETSG 2005 Dublin Seventh Annual Conference, 8-10 September 2005, University College Dublin.

12.    “Innovation and Licensing, and Imitation the Effects of Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Industrial Policies,” (joint) ETSG 2006 Vienna Eighth Annual Conference, 7-9 September 2006, Wien University.

13.    「技術進歩と人口成長」(共)日本学術会議経済学委員会「人口変動と経済分科会」主催学術シンポジウム『人口減少と日本経済-労働・年金・医療制度のゆくえ』2008年9月26日.

14.    "Technological Progress and Population Growth: Do We Have too few Children?" (共)マクロ・金融ワークショップ(於 一橋大学)2009年6月1日

15.    "Technological Progress and Population Growth: Do We Have too few Children?" (共)2009年度日本経済学会春季大会,招待講演(於 京都大学)2009年6月7日.

16.    “The Dynamics of the Vintage Capital Growth Model,” (joint) International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics(ICNAAM)September 2009.

17. "Dynamic Analysis of Budget Policy Rules in Japan," (joint) the Seventh Joint Conference organized by the University of Tokyo Center for Advanced Research in Finance and the Bank of Japan Research and Statistics Department, November 30, 2017.



1. S. Turnovsky, International Dynamic Macroeconomics, MIT Press, (single )Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie), 1999, vol. 70, no.3.

2.  齊藤誠『息子に語るマクロ経済学』(単)勁草書房,2014年,121月号経済セミナー



1.「マクロ経済学における最新研究は何を明らかにしたか」(単)エコノミスト別冊 経済学特集,2000年4月10日号,78巻,14号,137-139頁.









10.「やさしいマクロ経済学 第1回~第12回」(単)2016年4月20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29日, 5月2, 3, 4, 5日 日本経済新聞.


12. 「経済成長はいかにして可能になるのか,そして持続可能性はあるのか?:ポール・ローマーとウィリアム・ノードハウスの業績」(単)『経済セミナー』,2019年2・3月号,55-52頁.