Past research lines

Molecular Characterization of Colombian Genetic Resources of Interest for Agriculture and flagship species

The goal of this research area is the molecular characterization of genetic resources of tropical plant species, focusing mostly in Colombian orphan crops and emblematic species. I aim to search for molecular markers that allow the identification of species, varieties or horticultural breeds of interest for agriculture, as a first step for breeding and genetic improvement. Also this characterization can be used as first approximation to understand the genetic diversity and population genomics of emblematic species of Colombia. I use novel genomic techniques in order to understand population genetic aspects of these species. Currently we are developing a molecular characterization of coconut (Cocos nucifera) cultivars in the main productive areas of Colombia by recovering SNPs using using genotyping by sequencing (GBS). We are also working on waxpalm (Ceroxylon quindiuense) and have an undergraduate student working with a vulnerable orchid species Masdevallia hortensis.

Soil microbiome biodiversity characterization using metagenomics: Currently we are monitoring soils contaminated by coal mining in Colombia as part of the follow-up phytoremediation experiment with aromatic plants. This collaboration is going on with several universities and research centers from Cesar, Valledupar and La Universidad de la Pampa, Argentina. Arid environments and soil desertification limit agricultural activities and food security in the department of Cesar in Colombia. In turn, the soils of this region are used for mining activities, which prevents the production of food for fresh consumption due to the risk of phytoextraction of heavy metals. This research line proposes the rhizorestauration of contaminated areas using aromatic plants to obtain essential oils that can be commercialized to strengthen regional microeconomies or small scale farmers such indigenous communities. In the framework of this project our research group is carrying out microbiome metagenomics studies to understand the role of microbial diversity during the phytoremediation process. In addition to identifying possible microorganisms with bioprospecting potential.