Random Thoughts:
Here's a link to my blog. I don't write blog posts frequently, but nevertheless, this is a recount of some of my travels and a medley of random thoughts.
My Travel Map. I love travelling. And, I would like to travel a lot more.
Here's a visualization of how my research topics evolved over time :) I used python, pdfminer to convert pdfs to texts, nltk and pyenchant for some post processing, and word_cloud to generate the word clouds.
Before Ph. D.
During Ph. D.
After Ph. D.
I like to read PHD Comics. Just for fun, I thought it would be cool to see if some of the trends in the comic strips hold true for me as well. Here's one comic strip which shows the Grad Student Work Output (left). And here's my Work Output (right). I used RescueTime API and urllib to get the data. The graph should automatically update everyday.
Here's another fun example from PHD Comics. Its regarding average time spent per email from advisor to grad student and from grad student to advisor. Apparently, the no. of words per email is a clear indicator. Assuming time spent in writing a word is the same in both the cases (which, I agree, is a big assumption ;) ), here's a comparable graph of the average no. of words per email from my Ph. D. advisor to me and the other way round. I used Gmail Python API to get the data. Looks like, my advisor has been more kind to me :)