
What experience, knowledge, and skills do you bring to your teaching, research, or scholarship from outside of the university? Consider full-time, part-time, service and consulting experience that has contributed to your academic work.

Where, in what position, have you acquired this experience?

How have you used a particular skill set or experience in this outside work? What perspective do you have as a result of your experience in industry?

With whom have you partnered to develop new skills or to share what you know in advancing the mission of a company or organization?

Though your experience may not permit you to share proprietary information, you may still be able to generalize about how you have contributed in your area of expertise. More important,

  • How has this work contributed to your academic work at the university?

  • How is your current role at the university enriched by the perspective gleaned from work/partnerships outside of it?

Provide examples that demonstrate the value of your industry experience to the work you do at TAMU.

Image Credits:

Lily Pad Financial. Automotive Suppliers. 2 July 2013.

FY & Associates. Public Relations. 2 July 2013.

Accounting Internship Program. 2 July 2013.