Research focus: Design Soft-bodied robots inspired by living organism
Tenacious and adaptive behaviors of simple organisms are produced by their high deformable bodies and limited computational cost of their nervous system. Mechanical softness and interaction with complex environment is a key to understand such behaviors. From the perspective of how to control the soft-bodies, biological research reveals that some simple organisms rely on decentralized control and exploit internal and external mechanical interactions (e.g., central pattern generators in vertebrates, distributed nervous systems in insects, starfish and jellyfish). These features are sharp contrast to the conventional robots that use hard/rigid bodies and centralized controllers.
We consider the "mechanical softness" to be an essential difference between machines and organisms, and are developing and investigating intelligence that can be emerged from the mechanical softness.
メインテーマ: 生物のように世界を感じ,しぶとく,しなやかに動くロボットを作りたい.
Instant Inkjet Actuator and Sensor for Soft-bodied Crawling Robots [ICRA '19]
Caterpillar-inspired Crawling Robot using Both Compression and Bending Deformations [RA Letter, ICRA '19]
Actuation Frequency-Dependent Automatic Behavioral Switching on Caterpillar-Inspired Crawling Robot [RoboSoft '19]
Learning Oscillator-based Gait Controller for String-form Soft Robots using PEPG [IROS '18]
How to make caterpillar-inspired soft robot [OpenSoftMachines]
Caterpillar-inspired Crawling Robot on a Stick using Active-release and Passive-grip Elastic Legs [RoboSoft '18]
Design of Frictional 2D-Anisotropy Surface for Wriggle Locomotion of Printable Soft-bodied Robots [ICRA '18]
Design of a 3D-printed soft robot with posture and steering control [ICRA '14]
Highly Deformable 3D-Printed Soft Robot Generating Inching and Crawling Locomotions [IROS '13]
A Soft Deformable Amoeboid Robot Inspired by Plasmodium of True Slime Mold -Slimy-
A Soft-bodied Fluid-driven Amoeboid Robot -SlimyII-
A soft-bodied amoeboid robot -Slimy- (simulated result)
Real-time Tunable Spring (elasticity variable version)