Unpublished Papers
1. "Ambiguity Measures of Factor Returns and Business Cycles"
with Xiaojing Cai and Ryuta Sakemoto
November 2024
2. "Global Foreign Exchange Volatility, Ambiguity, and Currency Carry Trades"
with Xiaojing Cai and Ryuta Sakemoto
October 2024
3. "Cross Risk Apportionment and Non-financial Correlated Background Uncertainty"
with Yusuke Osaki
November 2023
4. "A Simple Axiomatization of Neo-Additive CEU on a Finite State Space"
with Hiroyuki Kojima and Kaname Miyagishima
July 2022
5. "An Ambiguity-Free Asset and its Bid-Ask Spread under Max-min Expected Utility"
with Shin Kanaya and Satoru Takahashi
revision requested
6. "Consequentialism and General Updating Rules"
Published Papers/ Forthcoming Papers
1. "Precautionary Saving against Correlation under Risk and Ambiguity"
with Yusuke Osaki
January 2022
forthcoming in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
2. "Currency Portfolios and Global Foreign Exchange Ambiguity"
with Xiaojing Cai and Ryuta Sakemoto
SSRN 4742236 February 2024
Finance Research Letters 65 (2024), Article 105534.
3. "Controlling Chaotic Fluctuations through Monetary Policy"
with Akihisa Shibata and Masanori Yokoo
forthcoming in Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics
4. "Technology Choice, Externalities in Production, and a Chaotic Middle-Income Trap"
with Akihisa Shibata and Masanori Yokoo
Journal of Economics 141 (2024), 29-56.
5. "Choquet Operators and Belief Functions"
with Hiroyuki Kojima
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 528 (2023), Article 127497.
6. "Middle-Income Traps and Complexity in Economic Development"
with Akihisa Shibata and Masanori Yokoo
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics 27 (2023), 553-565.
7. "Quasi-Periodic Motions in a Two-Class Economy with Technology Choice: An Extreme Case"
with Akihisa Shibata and Masanori Yokoo
Nonlinear Dynamics 110 (2022), 945-961.
8. "Optimal Investment under Ambiguous Technology Shocks"
with Yusuke Osaki
European Journal of Operational Research 293 (2021), 304-311.
reprint version October 2020
9. "Portfolio Allocation Problems between Risky and Ambiguous Assets"
with Yusuke Osaki
Annals of Operations Research 284 (2020), 63-79.
Preprint version March 2019
10. "Optimal Initial Capital Induced by the Optimized Certainty Equivalent"
with Takuji Arai and Katsumasa Nishide
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 85 (2019), 115-125.
11. "Chaotic Dynamics of a Piecewise Linear Model of Credit Cycles"
with Masanori Yokoo
Journal of Mathematical Economics 80 (2019), 9-21.
12. "Consequentialism and Dynamic Consistency in Updating Ambiguous Beliefs"
with Hiroyuki Kojima
Economic Theory 68 (2019), 223-250.
13. "An Experimental Test of a Search Model under Ambiguity"
with Hiroko Okudaira and Masaru Sasaki
Theory and Decision 79 (2015), 627-637.
14. "Overconfidence, Underconfidence, and Welfare"
with Takuma Kunieda and Akihisa Shibata
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 171 (2015), 372-384.
15. "An Axiomatization of Choquet Expected Utility with Cominimum Independence"
with Hiroyuki Kojima
Theory and Decision 78 (2015), 117-139.
16. "Modularity and Monotonicity of Games"
with Hiroyuki Kojima
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 80 (2014), 29-46.
17. "Natural Capital Investment under Knightian Uncertainty"
with Akihisa Shibata
Environment and Development Economics 19 (2014), 529-547.
18. "Environmental Regulation and Technology Transfers"
with Noriaki Matsushima
Canadian Journal of Economics 47 (2014), 889-904.
19. "Complex Behavior in a Piecewise Linear Dynamic Macroeconomic Model with Endogenous Discontinuity"
with Takuma Kunieda and Akihisa Shibata
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 18 (2012), 1889-1898.
20. "Uncertainty Aversion and Portfolio Inertia"
Bulletin of Economic Research 64 (2012), 334-343.
21. "Optimal Pricing and Quality Choice of a Monopolist under Knightian Uncertainty"
with Akihisa Shibata
International Journal of Industrial Organization 29 (2011), 746-754.
22. "Risk and Uncertainty in Health Investment"
with Akihisa Shibata
European Journal of Health Economics 12 (2011), 79-85.
23. "Precautionary Principle and the Optimal Timing of Environmental Policy under Ambiguity"
Environmental and Resource Economics 47 (2010), 173-196.
24. "Optimal Tax Policy and Foreign Direct Investment under Ambiguity"
Journal of Macroeconomics 32 (2010), 185-200.
25. "Portfolio Inertia and Epsilon-Contaminations"
Theory and Decision 68 (2010), 341-365.
26. "Portfolio Inertia under Ambiguity"
Mathematical Social Sciences 52 (2006), 223-232.