Kaname Miyagishima

Professor,  College of Economics, Aoyama Gakuin University


E-mail: Kaname1128[at]gmail.com (replace [at] with @)


#824 Building 8, 4-4-25, Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-8366, Japan.


Professor, College of Economics, Aoyama Gakuin University (2024 April–)

Associate Professor, College of Economics, Aoyama Gakuin University (2016 April–2024 March)

JSPS Research Fellow, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University (2013 April– 2016 March)

Visiting Researcher, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University (2014 January – 2015 June)

Assistant Professor, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University (2011 April– 2013 March)

Junior Fellow, Department of Economics, Hitotsubashi University (2010 April – 2011 March)

Young Researcher of Global COE (Hi-Stat), Hitotsubashi University (2008 September – 2010 March)


Ph. D. in Economics, Hitotsubashi University (March, 2010) 

M.A. in Economics, Hitotsubashi University (March, 2006)

B.A. in Economics, Otaru University of Commerce (March, 2004)

Research Interests

Welfare Economics, Social Choice Theory, Public Economics

Working Papers

 A Simple Axiomatization of Neo-Additive Choquet Expected Utility Theory on a Finite State Space (with Takao Asano and Hiroyuki Kojima)   Link:[ResearchGate]

・ An axiomatic analysis of priority (with Hun Chung) Link:[ResearchGate

Equity and time consistency for intertemporal social decisions. (Under revision)

・Evaluating Profiles of Budget Sets

・Fair Social Orderings over Indivisible Goods with Money (in preparation)

Published/Accepted Papers

Time-consistent fair social choice. (2023) Theoretical Economics, 18, 941–964. Wiley's site.

A Defense of Pluralist Egalitarianism under Severe Uncertainty: Axiomatic Characterization (with Akira Inoue). (2022) Journal of Political Philosophy, 30-3, 370-394. Link:[ResearchGate]

Efficiency, equity, and social rationality under uncertainty. (2022) Economic Theory, 73, 237–255. [SSRN][ResearchGate

Fair criteria for social decisions under uncertainty. (2019) Journal of Mathematical Economics, 80, 77-87. [DP version]

The previous title was "Fair Social Orderings over Allocations of Risky Prospects"

Liberal egalitarianism and the harm principle (joint with Michele Lombardi and Roberto Veneziani). (2016) The Economic Journal, 126, 2173-2196.   [PDF]

     The media briefing is available here.

     Blog post on this paper at LSE Business Review is here.

Education inequality among different social groups. (2016) Review of Public Economics, 217, 11-35.

Implementability and equity in production economies with unequal skills (2015). Review of Economic Design, 19-3, 247-257. [DP version]

A characterization of the Rawlsian social ordering over infinite utility streams (2015). Bulletin of Economic Research, 63-3, 303–308. [DP version]

Ranking linear budget sets with different available goods: A note (2012). Mathematical Social Sciences, 63-3, 234–238. [DP version]

A characterization of the maximin social ordering (2010). Economics Bulletin, 30-2, 1278-1282.  

      ・See also : A Characterization of Maximin; Corrigendum (joint with Kristof Bosmans and Erwin Ooghe). (2014) Economic Theory Bulletin, 2, 219–220. [DP version].

Ranking linear budget sets (2010). Social Choice and Welfare, 35-1, 163-173.