Golden Gate Park

Practicing outdoors in the oxygen-rich morning air will invigorate your senses and clear your mind. The center-fountain park setting (in between the DeYoung Museum and the Academy of Science) is both beautiful and spacious. Golden Gate Park offers free parking and restrooms near the Bandshell Area. Classes are held on Monday, Tuesday, Friday (8:15-9:15 A.M.); however, check the class calendar for updates (GGP Tai Chi).

Typically, we start with a variety of chi kung exercises designed to warm up specific muscle groups, gently stretch tendons and joints and significantly increase your stamina and energy. After our warm-up, we'll practice Yang Long Form (i.e. the Slow Set). After the slow set, we go through form corrections, demonstrations and special chi kung exercises to conserve the energy you created during the class.

There is no tuition and all students with a sincere heart and a genuine interest in learning these ancient practices are welcome. Detailed instruction for newer students is available before or after class upon request. For more information, contact Ancient Advantage at

Given San Francisco's dynamic weather, wear layers and flat comfortable shoes. Class is subject to rain, although we typically convene under roof cover of the CA Academy of Sciences.