
The accommodation is a ski lodge at the top of the slope, with a limited supply of two-person bedrooms and a large number of rooms with 3 to 6 beds. The lodge contains a restaurant, which serves Polish mountain food. From the highest point the chair-lift reaches the lodge is a further ten-minute walk through the snow, so good shoes and warm clothing are essential.

If you have good reason to prefer not to share a multi-person room (which is however cheaper) please get in touch with the organizers, who will deal with these matters in the strictest confidence.

Please note that it is not practical to use other accommodation, as the lodge can only easily be reached by ski-lift, while a substantial portion of the programme will take place outside of operating hours of the lifts. 

Szklarska Poreba ski arena (German version)

Szklarska Poreba snow camera (livestream)