SMS Plus

SMS Plus ( is a freeware, open-source, portable emulator for the Sega Master System and Game Gear consoles.



sms_sdl <filename.<SMS|GG>> [--options]


--fm enable YM2413 sound.

--japan set the machine type as DOMESTIC instead of OVERSEAS.

--usesram load/save SRAM contents before starting/exiting.

--fskip <n> specify the number of frames to skip.

--fullspeed do not limit to 60 frames per second.

--fullscreen start in fullscreen mode.

--joystick use joystick.

--nosound disable sound.

--filter <mode> render using a filter: 2xsai,super2xsai,supereagle,advmame2x,tv2x,2x,bilinear,dotmatrix


F1: screenshot in BMP format

F2: save state

F3: load state

F4/F5: dec/inc frame skip value

F6/F7: dec/inc state slot

1..8: switch rendering filter

C: button 1

V: button 2

ENTER: start (GG) / pause (SMS)

ARROW: directional pad

TAB: console hard reset