Immersed Boundary

Immersed Boundary Method (IB2D)

This package solves the fully coupled incompressible fluid-structure interaction problem. It follows the formulation developed by Charles Peskin.

  • The fiber structure can be constructed and driven by springs, torsional springs (“beams”), target points, and/or a muscle model. It can be modeled as a porous media with or without having artificial mass, to which can be under the influence of gravity, if desired. All prescribed parameters about the fiber-structure can be updated dynamically in the code during a simulation as well.
  • IB2d can incorporate a background flow profile but placing an artificial force onto the fluid grid to give the desired flow velocities. Furthermore, passive tracer particles, can be placed in the fluid domain to witness the underlying flow.
  • The code also contains an advection-diffusion solver, where an initial concentration is placed in the background and the concentration profile is evolved.
  • The code has flags for printing in MATLAB, for desired dynamical quantities, but will print .vtk, which can be visualized in the open-source ViSit or Paraview software.
  • The package contains various flavors examples, each illustrating different capabilities of the code. Examples are continually being added, so check back soon!