Network Members

To join the SWAN network and get your homepage linked on this page, you need to be an active researcher interested in astrobiology.

To apply, please contact any member of the executive committee.

Executive committee:

Alexis Brandeker (Stockholm University) (Chair)

Samuel Regandell (Uppsala University) (Secretary)

Natuschka Lee (Umeå University)

Paula Lindgren (University of Glasgow)

Jan-Erik Wahlund (IRF Uppsala)

Axel Brandenburg (Nordita & CU Boulder)


Carl Alwmark (Dept. of Geology, Lund University)

Interests: Impact cratering

Sanna Alwmark (Dept. of Geology, Lund University)

Interests: Impact cratering, shock metamorphism

Sandra Baldauf (Systematic Biology, Uppsala University)

Interests: Deep phylogeny of eukaryotes (the eukaryote tree of life), origin and evolution of mitochondria

Stefan Bengtsson (Swedish Museum of Natural History)

Interests: Proterozoic and Cambrian palaeobiology; history of eukaryotes; deep biosphere

Alexis Brandeker (Dept. of Astronomy, Stockholm University)

Interests: Planet formation environments, exoplanetsAxel Brandenburg (Nordita)

Interests: homochirality, astrophysics

Per Calissendorff (Dept. of Astronomy, Stockholm University)

Interests: Extrasolar planets, SETI

Maria Cavallius (Dept. of Astronomy, Stockholm University)

Interests: exoplanets, circumstellar disks

Patrick Crill (Dept. of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University)

Interests: Biogeochemistry

Melvyn B. Davies (Lund University)

Interests: Dynamical evolution of planetary systems, effect of Galactic environment on planetary habitability, exotica in stellar clusters

Dainis Dravins (Lund Observatory)

Interests: Exoplanets & their host stars

David Dunér (Lund University)

Interests: history and philosophy of astrobiology

Peter Ekström (Division of Nuclear Physics, Lund University)

Interests: Nuclear Structure

Pantea Fathi (Physics Department, Stockholm University)

Interests: Astrobiology Astrochemisty

Wolf Geppert (Physics, Stockholm University)

Interests: Astrochemistry, Molecular Astrophysics, Planet and satellite atmospheres

Åke Hjalmarson (Onsala Space Observatory)

Interests: Interstellar molecules and their possible importance for the origin of life

Nils Holm (Dept. of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University)

Interests: Geochemistry

Gustav Holmberg (University of Gothenburg)

Interests: History of astrobiology, specifically changing boundaries of scientific disciplines and formation of scientific fields, history of exoplanets.

Lisa C.Q. Holmström (Rymdgymnasiet)

Interests: Teaching astrobiology to younger students (highschool with outreach to lower grades)

Magnus Ivarsson (Dept. of Palaeobiology, Swed. Museum of Natural History)

Interests: The deep biosphere, fossilized microorganisms, life in impact craters, habitability of extraterrestrial planets

Markus Janson (Dept. of Astronomy, Stockholm University)

Interests: Extrasolar planets

Daniel Jaraj (Sahlgrenska Akademien, Gothenburg University)

Interests: Space medicin

Anders Johansen (Lund University)

Interests: Planet formation, exoplanets

Andreas Johnsson (Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg)

Interests: Martian geomorphology and terrestrial analogues

Jonas Jonsson (NASA Ames Research Center)

Mats Larsson (Dept. of Physics, Stockholm University)

Natuschka Lee (Dept. of Ecology & Environmental Sci., Umeå University)

Interests: Microbial biodiversity, ecology and evolution, Microbiology of rocky environments (caves, meteorites, subsurface); Extremophilic organisms (prokaryotes, eukaryotes like tardigrades and lichens). Environmental biotechnology (transformation of various hazardous contaminants).

Paula Lindgren (University of Glasgow)

Interests: Mineralogy and geochemistry of meteorites and impactites

Michael Lindqvist (Onsala Space Observatory)

Interests: AGB stars

René Liseau (Earth & Space Sci., Onsala Space Obs., Chalmers Uni. of Tech.)

Interests: Nearest stars and planets, physics of the Interstellar Medium, observational star formation

Daniel Lundin (Inst. för biokemi och biofysik, Stockholms universitet)

Interests: tidig biokemi, särskilt nukleotidmetabolism

Javier Martín-Torres (Luleå Tekniska Universitet )

Interests: Mars exploration and research, planetary atmospheres, thermodynamics, disequilibrium and evolution

Alexander James Mustill (Lund Observatory)

Interests: Exoplanets, planetary dynamics

Anna Neubeck (Dept. of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University)

Interests: serpentinization, nickel isotopes, methanogenesis

Ricky Nilsson (Depts. of Astronomy, Stockholm University / California Institute of Technology)

Interests: Exo-Kupier belts, exoplanets

Lennart Nordh (Pensionär, ordf. KTH Space Center)

Birgitta Nordström (Niels Bohr Inst., Copenhagen University)

Interests: The First Stars, creation of elements fundamental for life (C, O etc), Evolution of the Galaxy

Albert Nummelin (occasionally teaching at University of Gothenburg)

Interests: Molecular astrophysics, outreach activities

Magnus Näslund (Dept. of Astronomy, Stockholm University)

Göran Olofsson (Dept. of Astronomy, Stockholm University)

Interests: Stellar discs, exoplanets

Hans Olofsson (Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, Chalmers)

Interests: Evolved stars

Carina Persson (Chalmers University of Technology)

Interests: ISM and exoplanets

Samuel Regandell (Uppsala University)

Interests: Protoplanetary disks, planet formation

Oleg Shebanits (Swedish Inst. for Space Physics, Uppsala university)

Interests: Pre-biotic molecules in the ionosphere of Titan and early Earth

Sandra Siljeström (Dept. of Chemisty, Materials and Surfaces, SP)

Interests: Analysis organic molecules in astrobiologically relevant materials on Earth and in space.

Britt-Marie Sjöberg (Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University)

Interests: Ribonucleotide reduction, catalytic RNA, origin of life

Maria Sundin (University of Gothenburg)

Vivi Vajda (Swedish Museum of Natural History)

Interests: Meteorite impacts and their effect on biota, impact processes, organic compounds in fossil plant matter, carbon isotope signals in the geological record.

Erik Vigren (Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala)

Interests: Ionospheres of planets, satellites and comets

Jan-Erik Wahlund (IRF, Uppsala)

Michael Way (NASA/Goddard Inst. for Space Studies & Dept. of Astronomy, Uppsala University)

Interests: Planetary Atmospheres, Exoplanets, Planet Formation

Eva Wirström (Chalmers)

Interests: Astrochemistry

Erik Zackrisson (Uppsala University)

Interests: SETI, habitability on cosmological scales