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Links related to Astrobiology

What is Astrobiology?

(good description from astrobiology.com)

NASA Astrobiology pages

(good source of news and info)

EAI - European Astrobiology Institute

(a European consortium of organisations)

EANA - European Astrobiology Network Association

(of which SWAN is the Swedish network representative).

About SWAN

The most important bits from the SWAN bylaws. To join SWAN, see the Network Members page.


SWAN, the Swedish Astrobiology Network is an association of active researchers working in

astrobiology-related fields, with a mission to promote the astrobiology sciences. [...]


Members of SWAN shall be informed of important questions within the Swedish astrobiology community,

regarding resarech planning, education, administration and economy.


SWAN meetings shall give astrobiologists opportunity to discuss natural astrobiology activities. Also international projects

with Swedish participation, e.g. with ESA or NASA may be discussed at the meetings and research groups may present their current and future astrobiology activities.


SWAN shall interact with the Swedish National Space Board and Swedish academic institutions. [...]


SWAN is open for all researchers and research students associated with Swedish astrobiology research.


SWAN is not a financial entity and has no membership fee.