Forum mondial - Prague - novembre 2012

Acquiring knowledge and skills in biology and in geology with serious games,

and progressing in a second language

With Anthony Salcito, Vice Président, Microsoft Worldwide Education

With Simon Breakspear , educational researcher

My Project

Educator Info

· Educator Name (First Name then Last Name) : Jean-Pierre Gallerand

· Project Title (please use the same title that you used for your Teacher Exhibit) : Acquiring knowledge and skills in biology with serious games, and progressing in a second language.

· Country/Region: France/Pays de la Loire

· School where you teach : Collège Théophane Vénard

· City where you teach : Nantes

· Years as an educator : 35 years

· Age of students you teach : from 10 to 16 years

· Technology used in your entry: Computor lab, Interactive White Board, computer using several captors, touchpad, …

Connect With You:


Facebook group to exchange about my work with colleagues around the world

Blog : Collaborative blog with colleagues with international colleagues (program for students from 10 to 12 years old) :


You Tube:


· Educational website sharing pedagogical subjects in science :

· website for my 12 years old students :

· Website for my 15 years old students :

· website with all my softwares and serious games :

· website listing specific softwares now available on smartphones (seismograph, …) to conduct experiments :


· Linkedin :

· Viadeo : Jean-Pierre Gallerand

· Project Summary :

Since 30 years, I have realized 60 scientific softwares, which I share with my colleagues on my educational site SVT44. Many of these programs are playful and simulate experiments that motivate students. My latest productions are available in 2 languages ​​(French/English, French/Arabic and French/Basque).

· Project Description :

Science usually motivates students but even more when they have to conduct experiments, but this is getting more and more difficult because of too many students, lack of equipment and time. The 60 virtual experiments I realize since 30 years simulate many experiments and students take a big interest when they perform individually with a computer in a computer lab or collectively in my science lab with an IWB. They can also redo these virtual experiences at home, my entire lesson is online. Some virtual experiments are serious games in which the students are in the shoes of a scientist and they must find and do the experiments led by this scientist in the historical context. My softwares cover the entire program for students from 10 to 16 years old. Some of my softwares are used for the competitive entrance examination needed to become a teacher. Since a few years some of my softwares are available in different foreign languages which allow my students to discover or progress in a foreign language such as English and also allow non-francophone students to use them. My current research focuses on adapting my software to a format compatible with touchpads.

· What was the inspiration for your entry? What inspires you as an educator?

I wished to motivate students in science with virtual experiments and serious games and allow them to improve or discover a foreign language. Watching my students getting passionate about serious games is exciting, the game is a natural way to learn and learning should be a pleasure.

· Why did you start using technology in your classroom?

30 years ago, when in my school the first PC was available, I immediately thought about the possibilities of virtual experiments possible with this tool. I continued with each new advanced technology (internet, IWB, touchpad, ...).

· What do you hope to get out of the Global Forum?

I hope to meet other colleagues to share my work beyond Francophone countries, it is for this reason that my latest productions are in French and English and also to discover new techniques for teaching and increase the number of colleagues working on serious games or developing softwares...

· What is the most exciting technology advancement you’ve seen in your teaching career?

Internet has made it possible for me to share my work, to exchange ideas with teachers from all over the world and accede to a fantastic amount of knowledge.

· How has the use of ICT in the classroom changed student outcomes?

ICT almost changed everything. My entire lessons are since 7 years online for my students, this means the knowledge but also all the activities, softwares, videos, photos, all the virtual experiments and links to other interesting resources. ICT also gave me the opportunity to share my work and create a network of colleagues around the world. ICT allows to perform experiments that cannot or no more be performed for various reasons and above all they motivate students to get interested in science, something that tends to get lost in recent years.