Favorite Books

Post date: Jun 18, 2014 9:10:29 AM

Bach / Design of UNIX

Stevens / Unix Network Progr

Corbet / Linux Device Drivers

Robert Love / Kernel Devel

CLRS / Algorithms

Sedgewick / Algorithms

Skiena / Algorithm Design

Neapolitan / Algorithms

Ullman / MMDS

Ullman / Automata

Ullman / Dragon book

kernighan ritchie / C

Distributed computing

Hwu / Parallel Processors

Kyte / Beginning Oracle Prog

Appendix / SPIM

Garey / Intractability

Lehman, Leigh / Math for CS

Prandoni / Signal Processing

Millman, Halkias / Electronics

Gilton, Morgan / Unix

Tanenbaum / Comp Networks

Hennessy / Comp Architecture

Градштейн, Рыжик / Таблицы

Singh / Simpsons

Mitnick / The Art of Deception

Andric / The Damned Yard

Fishermen of Human Souls

Few books from above I used very much in everyday work or I learned from them.

Some of them are proposed literature in online courses I attended.

There are books where I used one or two chapters as a reference to solve some of hard problems.

Few of them I plan to read very carefully (once again or for the the first time)

Very last tree books are related manly to manipulation (social engineering).