OpenStack on Oracle Linux and Oracle VM

Based on article "Hands-On Lab: Getting Started with OpenStack on Oracle Linux and Oracle VM" by Ronen Kofman

These are changes related to above document, to fit into 4GB RAM laptop and to make all that up and running

First try "Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux VirtualBox VM - short version"

This is so called "all-in-one" configuration. We heed to download Virtual Box image where Oracle VM and OpenStack are already installed.

If you have only 4 GB of RAM, then set up in VBOX 1951 MB of Base memory instead of 4 GB as proposed.

After boot, we need to find out ip address. Press <alt-F2>. Root password is "password"

[root@localhost ~]# ifconfig | more

bond0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 08:00:27:A3:E7:8A

inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

We skeep all config steps, and go strait to item 7.

# openstack-config --set /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT novncproxy_base_url

Continue then with other steps

Since we dedicated a little bit less than 2GB for Virtual Box machine, Dom0 will ocuppy all that space, and there will be no room for Openstack Compute and Network nodes.

So we reduce Dom0 memory to some lower value. For practices that follow, this is sufficient:

# xm mem-set Domain-0 1300

Also change this:

# vi /etc/nova/nova.conf

#ram_allocation_ratio=1.5 # ORIG

ram_allocation_ratio=3 #NEW

Restart following services

# sudo service openstack-nova-scheduler restart

# sudo service openstack-nova-conductor restart

Now we can proceed to practices. When we finish with that, we need to shutdown VM to free up memory.

Then we can try "Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux VirtualBox VM - long version"

We need to download Oracle VM installation media

"Oracle VM Server for x86 3.3.1 for x86 64 bit, 5 files"

We need just first file (that is not clear in original document). Only first file is bootable !!!

Before we install OpenStack with packstack we need to fix one puppet manifest file:

[root@localhost ~]# diff /usr/share/openstack-puppet/modules/mysql/manifests/server/account_security.pp /usr/share/openstack-puppet/modules/mysql/manifests/server/account_security.pp_ORIG


< [ "foo@${::fqdn}",

< 'foo@',

< 'foo@::1',


> [ "root@${::fqdn}",

> 'root@',

> 'root@::1',


< 'foo1@localhost',


> '@localhost',


< if ($::hostname != 'localhost') {

< mysql_user { ["foo@${::hostname}", "@${::hostname}"]:

< ensure => 'absent',

< require => Anchor['mysql::server::end'],

< }


> mysql_user { ["root@${::hostname}", "@${::hostname}"]:

> ensure => 'absent',

> require => Anchor['mysql::server::end'],