
[Papers (peer-reviewed)]

[6] Naoya Suzuki

"On some cocycles which represent the Dixmier-Douady class in simplicial de Rham complexes".

International Electronic Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 12, No.1, pp.97-110, (2018).

math.DG/13104559. [PDF]

[5] Naoya Suzuki

"The equivariant de Rham complex on a simplicial G_*-manifold".

Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences. Vol.16, No.10, August, pp. 337-347 (2017).

math.AT/160501563 [PDF]

[4] Naoya Suzuki

"The Euler class in the Simplicial de Rham Complex".

International Electronic Journal of Geometry, Vol 9, No.2, pp. 36-43,  (2016). math.DG/150803195 [PDF]

[3] Naoya Suzuki

"The Chern character in the Simplicial de Rham Complex".

Nihonkai Mathematical Journal, Vol.26, No1, pp.1-13, (2015). math.DG/13065949 [PDF]


[2] Naoya Suzuki

"The equivariant simplicial de Rham complex and the classifying space of a semi-direct product group".

Mathematical Journal of Okayama Univ,  Vol.57, pp123-128, (2015). math.AT/13023294 [PDF]

[1] Naoya Suzuki

"The Dixmier-Douady class in the Simplicial de Rham Complex".

Kodai Mathematical Journal, Vol.36, No.3, pp.479-486, (2013).math.DG/12064460 [PDF]


[3] Naoya Suzuki

"On the Continuous Cohomology of a semi-direct product Lie group".

(2018). math.AT/180401732. [PDF]

[2] Naoya Suzuki

"A central $U(1)$-extension of a double Lie groupoid".

(2017). math.DG/171205179. [PDF]

[1] Naoya Suzuki

"On some Chern-Simons forms of the Bott-Shulman-Stasheff forms".

 (2017). math.DG/170908338 [PDF]

[Papers (Not peer-reviewed)]

[4] Naoya Suzuki

秋田高専研究紀要 (Research Reports of Akita National College of Technology)

"A closed 2-form on the quotient space Hom(π1(Σg); SO(4))/SO(4)".

秋田高専研究紀要 第54号, pp.15-16, (平成31年)[PDF]

[3] Naoya Suzuki

"A study of the fat realization of a bar construction".

秋田高専研究紀要 第53号, pp.21-22, (平成30年)[PDF]

[2] Naoya Suzuki

"The Pontrjagin classes in the BSS complex".

秋田高専研究紀要 第52号, pp.28-30, (平成29年)[PDF]

[1] Naoya Suzuki

"On some characteristic classes of the universal torus bunlde in the BSS complex".

秋田高専研究紀要 第51号, pp.73-75, (平成28年)[PDF]

[Others, peer-reviewed]

[2] Naoya Suzuki


数研通信94号2019年5月, pp.28-29. [PDF]

[1] Naoya Suzuki


数研通信91号2018年5月, pp.26-28. [PDF]