In News

December 2016

Radio interview “Dakota Farm Talk”

October 2016

Dakota Farmer Magazine New South Dakota winter wheat variety offers high yield potential

July 2016

Dakota Farmer Magazine Ancient wheats may help produce future varieties

July 2016

Market to Market show aired on Iowa Public TV "Scientist in Pursuit of Successful Wheat Hybrid"

Monday, January 25, 2016

AGWEEK, SDSU wheat breeding program develops varieties for South Dakota.

Tuesday, December 21, 2015

Growing South Dakota, Seeking Superior Wheat.

November 2014

Interview on Dakota Farm Talk

Tuesday, August 21, 2013

Science Daily, The Abilene Reflector-Chronicle and AG professional report our work: Study finds gene to prevent wheat from sprouting

Monday, April 29, 2013

Science Daily reports our work: Better Wheat Varieties in the Future? Wheat Genome Shows Resistance Genes Easy to Access

Thursday , December 13, 2012

Crop Science Society of America reports: A map that matters: Scientists sequence wheat’s genes

Thursday , December 6, 2012

Kansas Farmer:

September 02, 2010

Agriculture Today Radio Program

K-State agronomist Allan Fritz and plant geneticists Bernd Friebe and Sunish Sehgal discuss the actual progress that's been made to date in sequencing the wheat genome, in light of a report earlier this week out of Britian suggesting that the entire genome had been sequenced...they all stress that this is only the first step in a long process in wheat genetic advancement.

(Listen talk)

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

Received K-State Make difference award by Women in Engineering & Science Program, Kansas State University

October 30, 2009

Students help with wheat crop research