Mary Ellen Rudin Award

Mary Ellen Rudin Young Researcher Award

The Summer Topology conference, as a co-sponsor of the Mary Ellen Rudin Young Researcher Award, takes this opportunity to ask that you pass along the following solicitation to potential future winners of the award:

The selection committee begins reviewing applications approximately July 1 for this annual award. The first winner (2013) was Logan Hoehn (graduate of Toronto), the second winner (2014) was Yash Lodha (graduate of Cornell), the third winner (2015) was Yinhe Peng (graduate of Singapore), and the fourth winner (2016), Dr. Kathryn Mann, was announced at the spring conference (STDC 2017).

Awarded annually, the winner will receive $15000 to be used as follows: $5000 in travel support to enable the winner to attend at least three major conferences in topology; $5000 to support travel and living expenses while on a visiting appointment at a leading research center; and a cash prize of $5000.

This award is sponsored by Elsevier, publishers for the journal Topology and its Applications,the annual Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference (STDC) and the annual Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications (SUMTOPO). Please see the website .

Applications will involve a letter of nomination, two other letters of support, a letter from the applicant with a commitment to the award, the proposed plan, and a detailed cv.

Alan Dow and Jan van Mill maintain a website to receive applications. Those interested in applying should send an e-mail to Alan Dow at for details on how to access the website to upload their application materials. Applicants from last year who are still eligible are certainly encouraged to reapply. We ask that they begin a new application but once they have we can re-use any documents from last year if they request it.

Please help us get this information out to deserving applicants.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate contacting one of Alan Dow, Jan van Mill, and Hannah Foreman on behalf of Elsevier.