
Many students take ABRSM or MTB music exams. There are eight exam grades and for those taking ABRSM exams, after taking Grade 5, students have to pass Grade 5 music theory before they can progress further with the practical exams. There is no such requirement for the MTB exams. Beginner students take preparatory exams before Grade 1 which prepares them for the graded exams. 

Students will only be entered for exams if they have reached the required standard. Sue Hayes Music Tuition is proud of the examination pass rate achieved.

Sue aims to play the piano accompaniments for all her students at exams, festivals and concerts whenever she can and for this there is no charge. However, there may be a few occasions when she feels that a student would benefit from having another accompanist. Most accompanists will charge a fee which will usually cover one rehearsal and the performance.

Although success in examinations is important to many students, they are not compulsory. Students can choose to simply play for enjoyment. All that is asked is that regular practice is undertaken between lessons.