
Lectures on Research Methodology will be organized under this page - I will transfer the lectures on Research Methodology, currently on my website asadzaman.net to this area. Note the links below to Research Methods 2013 and 2010 currently provide access to these lectures. This page will also list INDIVIDUAL lectures for students regarding study methods.

1. The Search for Knowledge: One of the most important insights is that "Knowledge" as defined by the West is entirely different from the concept of knowledge as defined by Islamic teachings. Research, or the search for knowledge, must necessarily be different in the two different intellectual traditions.

2. Guidelines for Ph.D. and M.Phil. Thesis Writers - 1:42hr urdu lecture given to PIDE students in Sept. 2014.

For a complete course on Research Methods, designed to teach students how to choose a topic, do research for it, prepare and writeup a proposal, see:

1: Research Methods 2013 --

2: Older Version of same course is Research Methods 2010 9 Lectures

3: Sign up for AZ-Research-Group to gain access to restricted websites and textbooks.