About Us

Our Mission

following Jesus + sharing God's love

Our Staff


Our Pastor and Rector is the Very Rev. Andrea Morrow. She has been at St. Stephen's since 2015, and she also teaches at the University of Michigan. Find out more about her here.

Parish Administrator

Joan Rasnick is the heart of the congregation. You can call her at 734-284-8777 on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 10 am - 3 pm. 

Family Minister

Casey Zacker is a passionate advocate for sharing God's unconditional love with everyone.  She loves to work with kids and families to help them learn and grow.

Music Minister

Gerald Hymer plays piano and leads us in singing. Gerald also teaches choral music at Wyandotte Middle and High School and is active in community theater.

Deacon in Training

Rob Chelemen will be with us for a time as he learns about serving as a deacon. Rob and his wife Kitty are from St. Michael's in Lincoln Park, and they share a passion for helping others.

Deacon in Training

Meida Ollivierra, a native Detroiter and member of St. Matthew and St. Joseph Episcopal Church, is joining us on special assignment for a few months. She bring a wealth of creativity and joy .

Broadcast Tech

Liam Nicholls, who was baptized and confirmed at St. Stephen's, runs our Facebook broadcast every Sunday.

Our Beliefs

People ask this a lot, and the short answer is, we believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, and we follow his two Great Commandments: "‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’" (Matthew 22:37-39) A longer answer can be found in the Book of Common Prayer, our foundational document. We think that praying shapes believing, so everything in the BCP contributes to who we are. The Catechism in the back provides a great summary! You can also listen to the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, Michael Curry, as he describes what it means to be part of the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement. Being part of the Jesus Movement means being the hands and feet and heart of Jesus in the world today - loving without judgment, offering and accepting help, and respecting the dignity of every person.

If you're into history, the Episcopal Church grew out of the Anglican (Church of England) Church after the American Revolution. Our history shapes who we are today. The Church of England was born out of religious strife in the Reformation 400 years ago, specifically in England under Henry VIII. After years of violence and bloodshed over whose beliefs were correct, Queen Elizabeth I created what is called the "via media" or "middle way," which states that - as long as we pray together - we are free to believe in our hearts according to our conscience. She famously said that no one could make windows into people's souls, and the church should not try.  We carry that belief in the middle way into today's world. That doesn't mean that we think everything is OK. We believe that love, justice, and inclusion are the standards by which actions should be judged. We believe in seeing and serving Christ in every person. We believe in striving for justice and peace. We believe that every person shows us a tiny piece of God, in whose image we were all made. To be explicit, that means we welcome LGBTQ people, divorced people, single parents, people who've been in prison, people with no money and people with lots. We don't think being gay or trans is a sin. 

Everyone who worships with us or attends our events enriches our community by their presence. We invite you to share your stories and gifts with us as we share ours with you. It's a two-way street. We need you at least as much as you need us. We really mean it.