Articles and Chapters

Thus far, I've published four articles from this research, three of them quite long. They connect with, but don't repeat, one another -- at least, not too much. Through this page, you can get (a) links to the official published versions and to freely-accessible alternatives, available under the terms of my agreements with the publishers; and (b) a variety of "value-adding" extras which one can think of as like the "making of" freebies thrown in with a DVD. In the following list, the main title (in bold) links to a subpage containing other links and relevant content; the journal title (italicized) links to the official published version. The Google Scholar Citations [GSC] link, where available, indicates whether anybody has found the article interesting and/or useful yet. (Not many have, the fools!)

There was also this work, most of it done ages before I thought I would ever write a book about stoves and the stove industry, but helping to make sure that, when I did, I wouldn't be starting from scratch: