
Please keep the following people in your prayers:

  • Max Cloud
  • Rose Fisher
  • Jaden Gibson
  • Bill Imler
  • Abe McHenry
  • Heidi Pannebaker
  • Harry Rhinehart
  • Deb Rourke
  • Garry Ross and Daughter
  • Lois Smith
  • River Troutman
  • Our members who are Homebound or in Special Care Facilities

Prayer Requests

Your online prayer request opens the door, and God is waiting patiently on the other side of that door, at all times, in all situations, to join with you.

Your prayer request will be received by our Pastor who will pray on your behalf and share this request with others in the congregation. Please indicate if you desire anyone to contact you and leave us a phone number to be able to reach you.

Many blessings to you.

Submit a digital prayer request - click here - Prayer Request Form