
A fun-filled after-school programme that runs fortnightly on school-term Fridays 3-5pm, for primary school children aged 6 and older.

In Term 3 we are planning to meet on the following Fridays:

  • 13 August

  • 27 August

  • 10 September

  • 24 September

There is a walking bus from Fenwick School, or children from other schools can be dropped off at the church hall at 3:30.

On a typical afternoon we: play games; enjoy an afternoon tea of fruit, sausage rolls, and cheese rolls; have a Bible story or a story that teaches us Christian values; and do a related craft activity. Some days we also get to have fun baking!

Primary-school children aged 6 and older are welcome.

A suggested donation is $3 per child or $6 per family.

Any questions, contact Gillian on 434 0214 or 027 652 5907.