Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Appalachia group do in Booneville, KY?

The primary function of the Appalachia group is to engage in construction-type projects on homes in desperate need of work. Projects range from building additions - primarily adding rooms to trailers - to constructing porches and performing renovations of ceilings, floors, and even bathrooms.  We have a core of experts in our group; these are individuals who have been doing this type of work for years and are deeply knowledgeable about all aspects of building, including electrical work, roofing and more.

Where do we stay?

The Appalachian region of Kentucky is very rural, and tourism mostly revolves around outdoor activities such as hiking.  As such, there are limited accommodations. In 2015, after more than 15 years of 'residence' at the local county truck garage, we began staying in the community center at the local Methodist church. However, we still shower and store our tools at the garage.

Making our home at the community center/garage is important because it reinforces our emphasis on simplicity; a key part of the trip is to experience life and relationships without the need for luxurious living conditions. Both locations are safe and meet all of our basic needs.

How do we travel to Kentucky?

Travel to and from Kentucky, as well as around Booneville during our week of work, is made possible thanks to the generosity of the families who loan us their vehicles for the trip.  The number of vehicles needed depends on the size of the group but usually ranges from 7-11 minivans, SUVs, trucks and a cargo van. Vehicles are not accepted for use if they are not insured.

The group takes great care to maintain the vehicles during the trip. Oil is checked daily, and our vehicles subcommittee monitors fluid levels and tire pressure. Seats are covered with old sheets for protection, and at the end of each workday, work boots are removed and set on plastic to protect car floors/carpets from dirt, mud, and sawdust. The day after the group returns to Connecticut, all members reconvene to wash and vacuum the cars inside and out.

Only group members over the age of 25 are allowed to drive, and each driver undergoes a driving record check prior to the trip. If you are interested in learning more about our travel policies or how to lend a vehicle, please contact Katharine Conroy at or 860-510-3283.

What supplies/materials are needed for the trip? Where do they come from?

Although all aspects of the trip are planned with simplicity and conservation in mind, there are a number of supplies needed to make it a success. Most of our food, as well as the items needed to make the community center our home for the week (i.e., paper towels, shower curtains, cleaning supplies), are contributed by group members. Some supplies must be purchased in Kentucky, such as perishable food items (salad fixings, cold cuts, milk, etc.).  These are all bought from the local, independently-owned grocery store.

All tools needed for our construction work are loaned to the group, primarily by families of group members. Each person who loans tools is asked to label them to ensure they are returned to their rightful owner.  As with vehicles, tools are used with great caution, and experienced workers on each site carefully train new users. Extensive tool safety discussions take place ahead of the work week, as well.

Construction materials (lumber, roofing, electrical, etc.) are purchased at local, independently owned hardware stores and lumber yards.

What costs are associated with the trip?

Although supply/material donations help us keep costs low, there are still some operating expenses. 100% of donations go towards:

How do we support the safety of our group members?

Safety is our top priority. During travel, work, and downtime, we focus on creating an environment that supports physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being.

We have several specific policies that help maintain our impeccable safety record, including but not limited to those listed below.