Our trip to London

A Photographic Panorama by Dori Stern (Age 12), Zoe Sistrom (Age 11), and Aaron Stern (Age 7)

[with a little help from Steven Stern (surprisingly young)]

Dori, Zoe, and Aaron Working at Madame Tussaud's

Outside the British Museum

Inside the British Museum at a Greek Temple Facade

Inside the British Museum: Visit to Ancient Egypt

Inside the British Museum: Ancient Egypt Meets Greece

Inside the British Museum: Main Area Ceiling

Inside the British Museum: Indian Art

Inside the British Museum: East Asian Art

Inside the British Museum: Dori Considering War

Inside the British Museum: Western Hemisphere

Inside the British Museum: Library

On the Thames

The Tower of London from the Thames

The Tower of London from the Thames

London Eye in the Evening

Parliament in the Evening

Building on Thames

Big Ben

Big Ben in Distance

Huts to Skyscrapers

Picture of Aaron, Zoe, and Dad

Police Station

Changing of the Guard (at the police station)

On the Tour Bus

A London Street

Big Chimney Church

Outside the Globe Theater

Inside the Globe Theater

Trafalgar Square

St. Paul's Cathedral

Picture Postcard of St. Paul's Cathedral

Westminster Abbey with Dori, Zoe, and Aaron

Westminster Abbey Again

Buckingham Palace

St. James Park from the Buckingham Palace Side

St. James Park from the Parliament Side

English Money