Dori's thoughts on London

If you live in London, you need to be able to transport yourself through the city. London is a big city. It has lots of transportation to use to get to many different places, but you have to know how to use it. There are busses, double decker busses, tour busses, taxis, boats, trains, and subways. You can also always walk or drive a car. Each one of these systems goes to different places, and the catch is to know which one to use in each situation. Busses can get you to different parts of the city all over. Also, when you are riding a double decker, you can have a great view. It's the best bus to go on if you can get off fast enough, climbing down those stairs to ground level. Taxis can get you anywhere if they know what place you are talking about and how to get there. The taxi drivers have a detailed memory of wherever theydrive [in my case London], so it's very hard to find a place they don't know. Also, they seem to have a taxi cab format in different countries. In London, they have a car shaped almost like a punch buggy [ no punch back]. Inside you find seats that you have to push down to sit in,. They also have regular seats, and its not smelly inside like U.S. taxi cabs. Boats can get you to places on the shore-front of the rivers (in London, the Thames) and give you a nice view too. The boats are fun to ride on, especially if you have a guide to tell you about the places you are seeing. They rock a little bit enough to give a little trouble standing but not enough to..... not going to mention it. Trains and subways are one of the fastest systems if you are in a hurry and are willing to take a crowd. They are a little uncomfortable, and you have to know what you are doing and be alert. But they get you where you want to go in a reasonable time. When walking, you can see everything you pass while in cars you can get stuck in traffic. If you know how to drive on the left side of the road, you can make it across the street in half an hour. If you don't, DON'T DRIVE IN LONDON!!!! Last of all, if you plan on going to London, I would suggest going to Madame Tussauds or St. Pauls Cathedral. You shouldn't go to the zoo, at least not in winter. They have nothing there. So my point is if you know your transportation you can do anything [almost anything].