Aaron's thoughts on London

Aaron's thoughts (with some writing help from Dad):

I was scared at Madame Tussaud's. I was scared also of the Tower of London. I heard a girl shout.

I liked the Hard Rock Café. It had good food. I watched the videos on the TV.

I liked taking pictures.

I liked the tour bus. I could see out of the window, and I got to sit on top.

I didn't like the shower in the apartment because I heard someone drumming. I got to watch TV in the apartment.

I got to watch TV on the airplane (USAir). We had a snack. I didn't like my lunch.

I wasn't afraid on the airplane. But I dreamed about Afghanistan.

I heard a scary story about a pointy umbrella that was used to kill a spy. The spy was stuck in the leg on a bridge. He died a painful death. He's still dead.

I liked the London Eye. I got to see out of the window high up in the air. But I could not jump. After, we ate dinner at the Hard Rock Café.

I liked seeing the Egyptian stuff at the British Museum. There were mummies there. The coffin was empty. I wanted to buy a book, but Daddy wouldn't let me.

I liked riding in taxis. I got to sit in a special seat.

I liked Westminster Abbey.

I liked the police station because I got to see a soldier on a horse. We took a picture with him.