
Pictures: by Pascal Halder, www.naturphotos.ch, the World Finance Conference, and by the Workshop on Sustainable Banking (Zürich, October 15, 2021).

Steven Ongena is a professor of banking in the Department of Finance at the University of Zurich, a senior chair at the Swiss Finance Institute, a research professor at KU Leuven, a research professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU Business School, and a research fellow in financial economics of CEPR.

He is also a research professor at the Deutsche Bundesbank, a regular research visitor at the European Central Bank, a fellow of CFS, and the chair of the Research Advisory Council of SAFE. Before moving to Zurich, he taught at CentER-Tilburg University and BI Norwegian Business School and was at the University of Oregon (PhD), SOR-BE (OF-1), University of Alberta (MA), and KU Leuven (MBA, Hir).

He is publishing in economics, finance, law, management, and public governance journals. He co-authored, with Hans Degryse and Moshe Kim, the graduate textbook entitled Microeconometrics of Banking: Methods, Applications and Results published by Oxford University Press.

He is currently a co-editor of Economic Inquiry, the International Journal of Central Banking, the International Review of Finance and the Journal of Financial Services Research, and an associate editor of the Journal of Financial Stability, Economic Notes, the Asian Review of Financial Research, and the Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions. In the past he has served as a co-editor for the Review of Finance and as an associate editor for the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Intermediation, the Journal of Financial Services Research, the European Economic Review and the Journal of Banking and Finance, among other journals.

In 2017 he received an ERC Advanced Grant lending, in 2012 an NYU-Fordham-RPI Rising Star in Finance Award and in 2009 a Wim Duisenberg Research Fellowship of the European Central Bank.

Selected Publications *

(27) Qi Shusen, Ralph De Haas, Steven Ongena, Stefan Straetmans and Tamas Vadasz, Forthcoming, "Move a little closer?" Information sharing and the spatial clustering of bank branches, Review of Finance.

(26) Gandré, Pauline, Mike Mariathasan, Ouarda Merrouche and Steven Ongena, Forthcoming, Unintended consequences of the global derivatives market reform, Journal of the European Economic Association.

(25) Nguyen, Duc, Steven Ongena, Shusen Qi and Vathunyoo Sila, 2022, Climate change risk and the cost of mortgage credit, Review of Finance, 26 (6), 1509–1549.

(24) Bonfim, Diana, Geraldo Cerqueiro, Hans Degryse and Steven Ongena, 2023, On-site inspecting zombie lending, Management Science, 69 (5), 2547–2567.

(23) Bonfim, Diana, Gil Nogueira and Steven Ongena, 2021, “Sorry, We're Closed." Bank branch closures and corporate credit conditions, Review of Finance, 25 (4), 1211-1259.

(22) Carletti, Elena, Paolo Colla, Mitu G. Gulati and Steven Ongena, 2021, The price of law: The case of the Eurozone Collective Action Clauses, Review of Financial Studies, 34 (12), 5933-5976.

(21) Braggion Fabio, Mintra Dwarkasing and Steven Ongena, 2021, Household inequality, entrepreneurial dynamism and corporate financing, Review of Financial Studies, 34 (5), 2448-2507.

(20) Delis, Manthos D., Iftekhar Hasan and Steven Ongena, 2020, Democracy and credit, Journal of Financial Economics, 136 (2), 571-596.

(19) De Jonghe, Olivier, Hans Dewachter, Klaas Mulier, Steven Ongena and Glenn Schepens, 2020, Some borrowers are more equal than others: Bank funding shocks and credit reallocation, Review of Finance, 24 (1), 1-43.

(18) Ongena, Steven, Alexander A. Popov and Neeltje van Horen, 2019, The invisible hand of the government: Moral suasion during the European sovereign debt crisis, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 11 (4), 346-379. 

(17) Gropp, Reint, Thomas Mosk, Steven Ongena and Carlo Wix, 2019, Bank response to higher capital requirements: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment, Review of Financial Studies, 32 (1), 266-299.

(16) Ongena Steven, Günseli Tümer-Alkan and Natalja von Westernhagen, 2018, Do exposures to sagging real estate, subprime or conduits abroad lead to contraction and flight to quality in bank lending at home?, Review of Finance, 22 (4), 1335–1373.

(15) Jiménez Gabriel, Steven Ongena, José Luis Peydró and Jesús Saurina, 2017, Macroprudential policy, countercyclical bank capital buffers and credit supply: Evidence from the Spanish dynamic provisioning experiments, Journal of Political Economy, 125 (6), 2126-2177.

(14) Rajamani, Anjana, Marieke van der Poel, Abe de Jong and Steven Ongena, 2017, The international diversification of banks and the value of their cross-border M&A advice, Management Science, 63 (7), 2211-2232.

(13) Delis Manthos D., Sotirios Kokas and Steven Ongena, 2017, Bank market power and firm performance, Review of Finance, 21 (1), 299-326.

(12) Cerqueiro Geraldo, Steven Ongena and Kasper Roszbach, 2016, Collateralization, bank loan rates and monitoring, Journal of Finance, 71 (3), 1295-1322.

(11) Ioannidou Vasso, Steven Ongena and José Luis Peydró, 2015, Monetary policy, risk-taking and pricing: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment, Review of Finance, 19 (1), 95-144.

(10) Jiménez Gabriel, Steven Ongena, José Luis Peydró and Jesús Saurina, 2014, Hazardous times for monetary policy: What do twenty-three million bank loans say about the effects of monetary policy on credit risk?, Econometrica, 82 (2), 463-505.

(9) Ongena, Steven, Alexander A. Popov and Gregory F. Udell, 2013, "When the cat’s away the mice will play": Does regulation at home affect bank risk-taking abroad?, Journal of Financial Economics, 18, 727-750.

(8) Jiménez Gabriel, Steven Ongena, José Luis Peydró and Jesús Saurina, 2012, Credit supply and monetary policy: Identifying the bank balance-sheet channel with loan applications, American Economic Review, 102 (5), 2301-2326.

(7) Ioannidou Vasso and Steven Ongena, 2010, “Time for a change”: Loan conditions and bank behavior when firms switch banks, Journal of Finance, 65, 1847-1878.

(6) Degryse Hans, Luc Laeven and Steven Ongena, 2009, The impact of organizational structure and lending technology on banking competition, Review of Finance, 13 (2), 225-259.

(5) Giannetti Mariassunta and Steven Ongena, 2009, Financial integration and entrepreneurial activity: Evidence from foreign bank entry in emerging markets, Review of Finance, 13 (2), 181-223.

(4) Karceski Jason, Steven Ongena and David C. Smith, 2005, The impact of bank consolidation on commercial borrower welfare, Journal of Finance, 60:4, 2043-2082.

(3) Degryse Hans and Steven Ongena, 2005, Distance, lending relationships, and competition, Journal of Finance, 60:1, 231-266.

(2) Ongena Steven, David C. Smith and Dag Michalsen, 2003, Firms and their distressed banks: lessons from the Norwegian banking crisis (1988-1991), Journal of Financial Economics, 67 (1), 81-112.

(1) Ongena Steven and David C. Smith, 2001, The duration of bank relationships, Journal of Financial Economics, 61, 449-475. 

* Selected based on the list of top journals of the Swiss Finance Institute and the list of top-core journals of the Tilburg School of Economics and Management.