
I'm a Professor and Endowed Chair at the University of Kentucky in the Management Dept. of the Gatton College of Business and Economics. My research is focused on social networks. UK is home for the LINKS Center research institute, which focuses on the study of social networks in business settings.

I'm currently an Associate Editor at Computational and Mathematical Organizational Theory, and Journal of Supply Chain Management. I currently sit on the board of Field Methods. I'm a past Editor-in-Chief of Connections, Senior Editor at Organization Science, and have sat on the boards of a number of journals including Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Management, Sociological Methodology, etc.

In my spare time I enjoy computer programming and am the author of a number of well-known programs, including:

    • UCINET, a software package for social network analysis

    • Anthropac, for analyzing cultural domain data

    • E-NET, for analyzing network data collected via personal network research design

I am currently President of INSNA (as well as a past 2-term president), the professional association for social network researchers. In my tenure, I incorporated INSNA as a non-profit organization (well, actually my wife Roberta did all the work), brought the Sunbelt social network conference under the INSNA aegis, created INSNA's first website and founded the SOCNET listserv. I was a co-founding editor of Field Methods (back when it was CAM - Cultural Anthropology Methods newsletter), although Russ Bernard did all the work. I ran the NSF Summer Institute for Research Methods in Anthropology for three years. (This too was founded by Russ.)

I like teaching workshops, and have been teaching an Intro to Networks workshop at the Sunbelt social networks conference for something like 20 years in a row. I co-founded (with Nick Athanassiou) the annual social network workshop at the Academy of Management conference, which has been running continuously since 1990-something. I have also been a recurring instructor at Statistical Horizons, the University of Essex Summer Institute and CARMA.