

Antonio Iorio :: Amyloid aggregation under fluid perturbation.

Florencia Klein :: Multi-scale modelling of metabolon organization.

Caroline Pereira :: Allostery in ancestral proteins

Luis Coronsa :: Rheology of condensates


Beatrice Caviglia :: Protein mobility at the cell death.

Emeline Laborie :: Multiscale modelling of virus flow.


Guillaume Stirnemann :: thermal and mechanical stability of proteins.

Philippe Derreuamaux :: Amyloid aggregation.

Marc Baaden :: Water transport.


Simone Melchionna (CNR, Rome) :: multi-scale modelling of cellular crowding.

Dominique Madern (IBS, Grenoble) :: dynamics and stability of oligomeric proteins.

Marco Maccarini (CEA, Grenoble) :: structure of membrane embedded water channel.

Alessandro Paciaroni (Univ. Perugia) and Judith Paters (ILL) :: protein motion and the cell death.

Simon Ebbinghaus  (TU Braunschweig) :: Protein stability and aggregaiton in cell-like conditions

Michael Feig (Michigan University) and L. Lapidus (Michigan University) :: Shear effect on molecular condensates.


Maria Kalimeri, presently Senior Data Scientist @ Nightingale Health (personal page)

Marina Katave, presently Post-Doc at CNRS 

Mara Chiricotto, presently Post-Doc at University of Manchester 

Obaidur Rahaman, presently Post-Doc at Bauhaus University Weimar

Debashree Chakraborty, presently assistant professor Department of Chemistry at NITK, India.

Aixiao Li, private sector.

Guillaume Stirnemann, CNRS researcher (home).

Guillaume Villain

Irene Maffucci, Maitre de Conference (Université de Technologie de Compiègne).

Astrid Brandner, presently Post-Doc at Oxford University.

Olivier Languin-Cattoen, presently Post-Doc at Sissa (Italy).

Daniele Di Bari, presently at  CINECA HPC (Italy).

Stepan Timr, presently PI at the Czech Academy of Science.

Arthur Hardiagon :: Post-Doc ChimieParisTech (France)