Sarah Horton joins Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield and Denis Waitley in

Stepping Stones to Success!

Goals & Proven Strategies from the Industry’s Leading Experts

JANUARY 11, 2011…SEVIERVILLE, TENNESSEE— Sarah Horton, keynote speaker and author, has been selected from a nationwide search to be featured in Stepping Stones to Success; a highly successful book series from Tennessee-based Insight Publishing. The book features best-selling authors Deepak Chopra (The Power of Purpose), Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul), & Dr. Denis Waitley (featured in The Secret). Sarah Horton, Chopra, Canfield, and Waitley, are joined by other well known authors and speakers, each offering time-tested strategies for success in frank and intimate interviews.

SARAH HORTON brings great depth and dimension to the business of helping you get what you want!  Through empathic listening and visionary leadership tools, clients identify success habits, overcome their unique obstacles to growth while taking giant steps in experiencing fulfillment, passion, and greatness. Living your life purpose with grace and ease using practical strategies for mastering business and life.

Step out to create the work you were born to do, live the life of your dreams, and be playful and humorous as you move toward your desired vision for your future. Now is the time to source, define, and take action toward your future visions and dreams.   Coaching and trainings are available. Sarah is a Certified Success and Business Coach through The Visionary Leadership Institute,  Peak Potentials, Health Optimizing Institute, and  Center for Hypnotherapy, and co-creator of the internationally acclaimed Core Training offered online quarterly.

For more information on programs, coaching, and speaking dates or to order your copy of Stepping Stones to Success, contact Sarah Horton at