Your Future

Imagine and project into the future your vision of what you want for your life --

or the vision of what what you want for your business.  

Life by Design -- Your Business by Design.

You may experience a series of snapshots of different aspects of your life, your work,

your relationship to self, your significant relationships with others,

community, where you live, how you work, what your skills are and can be.

Imagine who you are becoming.   Imagine yourself aligned with your heart's desire.

 Access the one who knows all, sees, and is all and can see who you are becoming.

Open to knowing that you can design and create your life by dreaming and envisioning

the way you want  to be - beyond your programming or conditioning.   Beyond the patterned brain.

Experience yourself in a safe environment with self-confidence.   And open to the grace --

the greatness all around. Then create, from this greater place and time, the

energies of life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.  Choose to offer this expanded

vision to your current reality. 

The You you are becoming can catapult you forward into the person that is unfolding. 

Stepping forward onto a platform -- and envision the opportunities that will come your

way, one after another as you move toward your chosen Life by Design.

Sarah Horton, MA, CHT, CHC.Adv. 

Certified Master Success Strategies Results Coach.