3D Photographs


Mars Color Stereo PhotographsThe Cosmus web site contains a ZIP file of Mars pictures.

Raw Data: NASA/JPL. See the NASA Mars Rover Stereo 3d site.

The Mars rovers have returned over 8,000 3D pictures. Marvin Simkin has reorganized the complete collection so you don't have to download all of them at once.

Stereo Photographs from the Apache Point Observatory This is the home of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This page contains a ZIP file of pictures.

Stereo Photographs from the VERITAS project Kitt Peak National Observatory, The Whipple 10m Gamma Ray Telescope, and McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope.

SZA/OVRO Stereo Photographs CalTech's Owen's Valley Radio Observatory is the site of the SZA project led by John Carlstrom's group at the University of Chicago.

UTC Stereo Photographs. Stereo pairs taken at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Here is the group of left eye pictures (5346 KB), and here is the group of right eye pictures (5781 KB).