
Stephanie A. Casey 

Stephanie Casey is a Professor of Mathematics Education at Eastern Michigan University. Her research focuses on preparing secondary teachers to teach data literacy & statistics, motivated by her experience of teaching secondary mathematics for fourteen years. She is a 2025 Fulbright Scholar, where she is researching students' interpretations of modern, big data visualizations in collaboration with the University of Canberra's STEM Education Research Centre. 

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6715-6187

Google Scholar profile

Are you teaching content courses that future math teachers take?

Take a look at these free classroom materials for Algebra, Geometry, Modeling, and Statistics from an NSF-sponsored project called MODULE(S2): modules2.com. Our materials are written in the active-learning, discussion-based format that we all want our teacher candidates to use with their future students. We focus on pre-service teachers at the secondary level (grades 6-12), helping them to develop mathematical knowledge for teaching in their upper-level content courses. Our materials have been used by 60+ faculty at 50+ universities in the US and Canada who have taught 1000+ prospective teachers and university students in university mathematics courses. Our project began through the work of the Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership (MTE-P), which seeks to create a gold standard for the preparation of secondary mathematics teachers across its over 90 member universities.