ELA Component

Journal #1

Today, the teacher talked us about a Capstone project that we need to do in order to pass the "Problems and Solutions" class. At first, it was hard choosing what project I was going to do because I wanted to do something related to the career that I want to pursuit in my future but at the end,I chose something that was not related at all. However, I'm very excited to do the NFC Ring because it is a very interesting device.

Journal #2

Doing the PBL page is harder than I thought. I have to do each thing precisely because Mr.G wants all of it to be perfect. I'm trying my best to make this work excellent and have a high grade at the end. The thing that I think is more complicated is the video. The video needs to be good quality, and it needs to be pleasant to the eye. Since I have never done a video, I will watch plenty of them to make sure that everything will look wonderful. Tasks 1,2,3,4 and 5 are almost due, I only need to complete my background research to be ready.

Journal #3

Today, tasks 1,2,3,4 and 5 are due. I think I've done enough to get a high grade. However, I'm very nervous because it is the first time I've done something like this. I've been searching more about my project, and I already know the things that I'll need. I don't know if I have to get the materials or if my teacher will provide them to me. I'm going to talk to him about this as soon as possible.

Journal #4

I've been working really hard on this project. I'm very happy because my teacher gave me a 100 in all the tasks that I turned in. Unfortunately, my grades were not as high as I expected.I'll try to fix every single detail that is wrong. I'll also work on the other 3 tasks (3,4,5, and 6) because they have to be turned in this Friday. The science behind all my work is simple:NFC tag

Journal #5

Each day, I have been investigating even more about my project, and I learned that the NFC is a very interesting and functional tool. One can be able to do various tasks at the same time by just putting the tag under the device

Journal #6

Now that I have my materials, I'll investigate the easiest way to do my project,I've worked on a lot of projects and applications, but now it' time to do major research and start to actually work on the amazing and interesting project that I chose.I received my bracelet and I recently contacted Mr. Leihmann, who will help me design and print my own ring.

Journal #7

I already have the camera that I'll use to record my procedures. I'm very nervous about the idea of having to talk in the video! I came up with a solution, study everything that I'll say just before. I'm still investigating and adding some more details to my page and fixing many mistakes that I made.

Journal #8

Today, I decided to search links of other PBL projects that are related to mine. It really helped and made my project easier. I'm happy that I have considerate teachers that let me work in my PBL during their class. I also use advisory time to improve my page and my investigation even more. I already decided that I'll use MovieMaker to make my video pleasant to the eye. I'm relieved because editing a video is very simple using this page.

Journal #9

I'm feeling bad because I was planning to do my project very quickly, and it turned out very differently than I expected. However, I feel prepared to 3-D print the design of my ring today after school. I worked really hard and I tried to make it look as nice as possible to make a good impression to the judges in my coming presentation. I'll use my vacation time wisely so that I can be prepared when we return to school on Monday.

Journal #10

I finally resolved all of my concerns about my project. I have been struggling with the installation of many programs, but at the end, I was able to come up with a much simpler idea that will allow me to finish everything by my presentation on Wednesday. I am feeling nervous, but confident about the hard work that I have put in this project.