Instructions for the Paper Proposing

Post date: Mar 29, 2013 12:58:45 AM

Dear All,

Here is the place for us to propose the papers we are going to discuss during the fall semester in 2013.

1) Every one takes one post here. The name of the post is your full name as "Honglang Wang".

2) List your papers in that post. And you can edit it at any time.

3) Write down your own reasons why you want to present these papers.

4) Attach the pdf files of the papers by "Add files" which will show up at the bottom of your post when you are editing.

5) Everyone else can make comments about your papers under your post.

6) You can also subscribe this announcement page to follow others' post if you like.

Enjoy here and hope we will have fun!

PS: While preparing the presentation, there are a few guiding principals to which you could refer. First, for an informal seminar such as this, a blackboard talk would be more appropriate than a slides talk. This format slows the pace of the talk and makes the presentation more like a class lecture, which will encourage the audience to try the learn the materials as you present it. Second, try to keep it short. A talk can be too short if not enough material is introduced to make it interesting, but in research level talks, the last third of the talk is usually very technical and usually only accessible to experts in the field. Give more ideas than theorems. The most important thing when giving any talk is to know your audience.

The best way to learn is to teach!