Vaccine health risk

Click on pointer on upper-right of calculator to use it.

An Excel download could be provided if enough people request [].

Last, if you like what you see please consider purchasing or gifting one of my adult or children statistics books.

Health risk

I have a new Health Calculator, which estimates your Coronavirus death odds & reduced life expectancy. 

Takes into account your age, where you live, when & how much you've been vaccinated or infected, behavioral attributes, & long-term health risks [note longevity risk in notes below; general background on my video channel]. 

My last calculator in February 2020, was used by >> 5,000 before the pandemic, & correctly predicted 300k American & 1m Indian lives lost in their first year.

We are at this final pandemic stage, as there are multiple interconnected risks, often missed by the "experts".  Both calculators should be able to use interactively on your screen, or download. I wish you & your family love and wellness, in your journeys ahead.

I cried telling Mira sorry for the past 22 months,

And for being thrust into this nonclosure today.