
The mission of the Statewide Multimodal Planning Committee (ADA10) is to advance the state of the practice in statewide multimodal transportation planning to support sound transportation investment decision-making, effective system management and operations and efficient project delivery.

The committee is chaired by Jerri Bohard, Transportation Development Division Administrator at the Oregon Department of Transportation.

Areas of Committee focus within the broad topic of statewide planning include planning processes, analytical methods, performance measurement, stakeholder involvement, financial planning and programming, economic analysis, integrated transportation/environmental/land use planning, transportation safety, equity issues, interagency collaboration and relationships, and transportation planning staff development.

Committee members are actively involved in original research, development and testing of new processes and methods; in identifying emerging best practices; and in evaluating the effectiveness of the state of the practice. To these ends the Committee generates and supports research topics, and actively participates in conferences and peer exchanges to promote dissemination of best practices. The Committee collaborates with other TRB committees and organizations to promote a multimodal and multi-jurisdictional approach that is essential to effective system planning, development and operation.

View the Committee's Strategic Plan

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