SGL 1.1.2

07/26/2011 update: This program has been superseded by SGL 1.1.3.

06/06/2011 update: Revised documentation and uploaded help files for network and netsummarize. Please let me know of any errors, thanks!

05/10/2011 update: Oops, forgot to upload ado-files for allowing abbreviation of netsummarize - minimum abbreviation is netsum. Thanks!

05/09/2011 update: Really bare-bones right now, not even a Stata help file! The documentation, which has been revised with more examples, should hopefully help you get the hang of things.

The Stata commands now break down into two stages - the first stage involves using the command network to generate network measures such as distance, betweenness, and eigenvector centrality. Then in the second stage the command netsummarize is used to generate new variables containing statistics on the already-generated network measure. These statistics can be things like rowsum, rowmax, colmin, colnonmissing, etc.

I didn't include everything, so if there is something you'd like to take a look at (e.g. C++ wrapper for BGL used in the test section), please let me know. Thanks!