University of St Andrews Philosophy Society

About Us

The University of St Andrews Philosophy Society was founded in May 2002. Since then, we have provided a point of social contact and debate for anyone interested in Philosophy, regardless of the subject they study. Alongside our regular talks, we host occasional movie nights, debates, and socials (all strictly philosophical, of course!).

PhilSoc talks cover a wide range of areas in Philosophy. We encourage speakers to present their current research, covering the topics they are most interested in. In the past, distinguished guest speakers including Timothy Williamson, Jeff McMahan, and Frank Jackson have visited the Society. That is before mentioning the outstanding expertise of the St Andrews Department! (All abstracts, pictures, and other material from prior events can be found in the Past Events section of the website.).

Our events take place every Monday during term-time. Unless otherwise indicated on our Up-coming Events page, we meet in the Arts Lecture Theatre. This can be found at the end of The Scores, behind the library. Membership for the whole year is £5, which gives you free entrance to all our internal speaker events. Non-members are more than welcome at all events. Non-members are charged £2 for internal speaker events, but you can become a member at any event during the year. For external speakers, we charge members £2 and non-members £3, to help cover the additional cost.

We are also proud to publish Aporia, an established philosophy journal with top-quality submissions in analytic philosophy written by undergraduates from across the world.

If you want to find out more about the society, talk to a member of the Committee, or send us an e-mail to join the mailing list. You can like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter. We also have a Facebook group, which is regularly updated with all PhilSoc news. Membership for the whole year is £5, which gives you free entrance to all our internal speaker events and reduces the cost of external speaker events to £2. Non-members are more than welcome at all events. Entrance is £2 for internal speaker events and £3 for external speaker events. You can become a member at any event during the year.

The University of St Andrews Philosophy Society is affiliated with the University of St Andrews Students' Association, a registered Scottish charity (SCO19833). If you have any further queries, contact