Geocoded Official Development Assistance Dataset (GODAD) 1973-2020
This GODAD provides access to a broad range of geocoded Official Development Assistance and other development finance data. It includes 18 European donors (1973-2020), the United States (1973-2020), the World Bank (1995-2023), India (2007-2014), and China (2000-2021).
When using these data, please cite:
Bomprezzi, Pietro; Dreher, Axel; Fuchs, Andreas; Hailer, Teresa; Kammerlander, Andreas; Kaplan, Lennart; Marchesi, Silvia; Masi, Tania; Robert, Charlotte; Unfried, Kerstin (2025). Wedded to Prosperity? Informal Influence and Regional Favoritism. CEPR Discussion Paper 18878 (v.2).
DOWNLOAD the data The Political Leaders’ Affiliation Database (PLAD) 1989-2022
The Political Leader’s Affiliation Data contain information on the birthplaces and ethnicities of the effective leaders of countries around the globe, for the 1989-2018 period.
When using these data, please cite:
Bomprezzi, Pietro; Dreher, Axel; Fuchs, Andreas; Hailer, Teresa; Kammerlander, Andreas; Kaplan, Lennart; Marchesi, Silvia; Masi, Tania; Robert, Charlotte; Unfried, Kerstin (2025). Wedded to Prosperity? Informal Influence and Regional Favoritism. CEPR Discussion Paper 18878 (v.2).
Updated January 19, 2024
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