Implications for Teacher Education

As teacher educators, we are especially interested in the implications of our research for the field of teacher education. What does it mean to prepare teachers to enact justice-oriented agency in increasingly regulated classrooms? What can preservice teachers, and teacher educators, learn from the stories of teachers in this book? How might teacher educators use these vignettes in the classroom?

For an analysis of these and other questions, check out Reclaiming Agency: Justice-Oriented Social Studies Teachers Respond to Changing Curricular Mandates (Teaching and Teacher Education 59, 457-67).

Update! Curious about where the teachers featured in Preparing to Teach are now? Check out Fighting on All Fronts: The Push, Pull and Persistence of Social Justice Educators and the Move to Reimagine Teacher Preparation (Teacher Education Quarterly, Summer 2020)

And, if you're a teacher educator using this research in your classroom--or doing similar research yourself--please be in touch. We'd like to know about your work!