Ss Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church

Pastor: Rev. Stanley T. Schmit  402-741-0559

Assoc. Pastor: Rev. Dan Wittrock   402-926-8120  

Deacon Couple:  Eddie & Monica Fisher

(Deacon Eddie) #402-841-0384  (Monica) #402-841-9068

 120 Cherry St.(church) 420 Cherry St.(school)

P.O. Box 457 Clarkson, NE 68629

892-3464 (church)     892-3474 (school) 

Email:  Ss Cyril & Methodius Office @  Website:

 Bookkeeper: Julie Wiese  Prayer Chain Contact Person: Anita (Alvin) Steffensmeier 892-3352 0r 372-6473

 Secretary/Bulletin Editor: Toni Konicek           SCM Facebook:                      

School Email:            Website:             SJN FacebookPage:

Parish Council members:  Our current members include:  Bob Steffensmeier - Pres., Luann Dinslage - Sec., Lisa Bahns, Mike Podany,  Jeff Stoklasa and Michelle Wiese. 

Finance Committe members:  Randy Vavrina, Larry Cerny, Aaron Fehringer, Mary Svehla

School Board members:  Jeremy Stoklasa - Pres., JD Koehn- Vice Pres., Mary Cinfel - Sec., Steven Paprocki, Camille Steffensmeier, Leslie Urbanek


Weekly Mass and Adoration Schedule

Mass and confession times for our parish families are as follows: 


Holy Family Parish, Lindsay – 4:00 PM

St. Michael’s, Tarnov – 6:00 PM

St. Francis of Assisi, Humphrey – 6:15 PM 


Holy Family, Lindsay – 8:00 AM 

St. Mary’s, Leigh – 8:30 AM 

St. Francis of Assisi, Humphrey – 10:00 AM 

Sts. Cyril & Methodius, Clarkson– 10:30 AM 


Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM-St. Francis of Assisi, Humphrey First Friday Mass is held at 10:00 AM-St. Francis of Assisi, Humphrey 

Tuesday – Friday 8:00 AM-Holy Family Parish, Lindsay 

Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 PM - Clarkson

Daily Masses will not be held on days with a funeral. Mass times may vary for special events. 



Holy Family, Lindsay – 7:30 AM – 7:45 AM 

St. Mary’s, Leigh – 8:00 AM – 8:20 AM 

St. Francis of Assisi, Humphrey – 9:30 AM – 9:50 AM 

Sts. Cyril & Methodius, Clarkson – 10:00 AM – 10:20 AM 

See new page for information on Journey of Faith.  

Lord and Giver of Life,

we ask for your guidance

as we journey to discover your plan

for our parishes and schools.

Change can bring about great excitement;

it can also be the source of anxiety and fear.

Help us to move forward with faith, courage and confidence.

Give us open minds and clarity

as we discern your will for a promising future.

May Jesus, the constant companion of the Church since Pentecost,

help us to accept the challenges of loving service

in new and invigorating ways.

May Mary, Mother of the Church,

encourage our efforts to listen and learn.

In the beginning, you hovered over the waters,

giving birth to your plan for creation.

You were present to the People of Israel,

speaking to them, teaching them,

and guiding them. Be present with us now,

and give us your light to see the way. Amen.




NEWS from St. John Neumann Catholic School!