
SQLite MembershipProvider

membership profile and role provider for asp.net works with sqlite

ASP.NET has a neat and smooth member management system for webdevelopers. membershipprovider is the base system which manages user creation and login and stuff like that.

this system normally works with sql server. and its really cool to use login and other ready to use elements with it. but what if you dont have sqlserver in your hosting. where will you store your data.

in that situation sqlite providers helps.

here is the class for the membership provider for sqlite. you will need this dll as reference to your project. and sql ofcourse:

CREATE TABLE 'users' (

'PKID' varchar(36) NOT NULL default '',

'Username' varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

'ApplicationName' varchar(100)

NOT NULL default '',

'Email' varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',

'Comment' varchar(255) default NULL,

'Password' varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',

'PasswordQuestion' varchar(255) default NULL,

'PasswordAnswer' varchar(255) default NULL,

'IsApproved' tinyint(1) default NULL,

'LastActivityDate' datetime default NULL,

'LastLoginDate' datetime default NULL,

'LastPasswordChangedDate' datetime default NULL,

'CreationDate' datetime default NULL,

'IsOnLine' tinyint(1) default NULL,

'IsLockedOut' tinyint(1) default NULL,

'LastLockedOutDate' datetime default NULL,

'FailedPasswordAttemptCount' int(11) default NULL,

'FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart' datetime default NULL,

'FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount' int(11) default NULL,

'FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart' datetime default NULL,



or you can just download db from here. this db has all provider related tables and some sample data on it.

SQLite ASP.NET membership profile and role providers